Share of Cost, Understand your own or your loved one’s conditions, diagnosis, and care regimen.

Sunday, May. 3rd 2015 7:51 AM

Once you start hospice care, you must develop a plan of care with the hospice director and your physician. This plan of care is an important way to ensure that you receive appropriate hospice services.

Under the hospice benefit, Medicare will pay in full for the following: skilled nursing services, skilled therapy services, home health aide services, durable medical equipment (DME), medical social services, pastoral care, nutrition and dietary counseling, and prescription drugs related to pain relief and symptom control for inpatients. If you are a hospice outpatient, you will pay no more than $5 for these drugs.

Remember, the purpose of hospice is to empower the patient at the end of life and help them die with dignity. If you feel that you or a loved one is receiving unnecessary treatments or their needs are not being met, you should speak with your hospice care providers about providing appropriate care. Additionally, you can choose to end hospice care and resume receiving curative treatments for your illness at any time.

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