Over 65 and Looking for Affordable Dental Insurance.

Wednesday, Apr. 20th 2022 5:09 AM

I am 69 with most of my teeth. I do not have dental insurance and I am finding that I can not afford to maintain my dental care without some dental insurance.  However I can not seem to find affordable dental insurance.  All the plans I seen are $50 plus a month this is just to much for me. 

Reply:  I would suggest reviewing dental HMO insurance plans. You seem to have only reviewed dental PPO plans. Although PPO plans are good dental insurance plan that let you choose your own dentist they can be costly for seniors. Dental HMO insurance plans however run around 10 to 20 a month for an individual and they greatly reduce the cost of dental care services. 

Posted on Wednesday, Apr. 20th 2022 5:09 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Over 65 and Looking for Affordable Dental Insurance.