Will cooler heads prevail in state helmet law dispute?

Saturday, Oct. 27th 2012 3:40 PM

The National Transportation Safety Board is urging Michigan not to repeal a state law that requires motorcycle drivers to wear helmets. The State Senate had previously passed such laws only to have them vetoed by Michigan Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm. New GOP Governor Rick Snyder is more receptive to getting rid of the safety measure.

This naive, safety-first blogger mistakenly presumed that all states required cyclists (including bicyclists) to wear helmets. But only 20 states have laws requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets. Illinois is one of three states, along with Iowa and New Hampshire, to have no motorcycle helmet-use law on the books whatsoever.

Posted on Saturday, Oct. 27th 2012 3:40 PM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Will cooler heads prevail in state helmet law dispute?