Two Dental Insurance Plans—Share of Cost.

Thursday, Jun. 13th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome, dental insurance seekers! Today, we’re delving into the intriguing question: Does having two dental insurance plans (dual coverage) mean double the benefits?’ The answer might not be what you expect. It’s a resounding no. But hold on, there’s a bright side. While dual coverage won’t double your benefits, it could save you significant money on dental procedures, empowering you to make the most of your insurance.

When you’re covered by two dental insurance plans, your insurers can split the cost of treatments, which could lead to lower out-of-pocket expenses. However, it’s crucial to do your research before opting for dual coverage. Understanding the plans and their compatibility is key. For example, two PPO plans can be used together, but an HMO plan won’t work in conjunction with any other dental insurance plan type. This knowledge empowers you to make an informed decision.

So, what’s the bottom line? It’s all about making an informed decision. By closely examining the cost of the plans, the benefits they offer, and any limitations they may have, you can be confident that you’re saving money on your dental care and not just shelling out extra cash on insurance. Your due diligence ensures that your dental insurance choices benefit your pearly whites and your wallet. So, before you dive into dual coverage, remember that knowledge is power, and your smile will thank you for it!

Maximizing Dental Insurance Benefits: Steps for Using Two Plans Effectively

When considering whether two dental insurance plans can be used together effectively, following specific steps to maximize your benefits is essential. Here are the key steps to take:

1. Review the details of each insurance plan, including coverage, limitations, and exclusions.

2. Contact both insurance providers to inquire about the coordination of benefits and how they work together.

3. Confirm which types of procedures and treatments are covered under both plans and how the coordination of benefits applies to each.

4. It’s essential to consult with your dental care provider. They can confirm if they accept both insurance plans and help you understand how billing will be handled when utilizing dual coverage. This step ensures that you’re making the most of your insurance and can feel confident in your decisions.

Navigating Dual Coverage and Billing Procedures with Your Dental Care Provider

It’s crucial to take a proactive approach when considering whether your dental care provider will accept both insurance plans and how billing will be handled when using dual coverage. By contacting your dental care provider, you can gain valuable insight into how they handle dual coverage and billing procedures.

Initiating a conversation with your dental care provider allows you to confirm whether they accept both insurance plans, which is essential for maximizing your benefits. Understanding their policies regarding dual coverage can give you peace of mind and confidence in utilizing your insurance to its fullest potential.

Furthermore, discussing billing procedures with your dental care provider is essential for avoiding confusion or unexpected expenses. Understanding how billing will be handled when using dual coverage ensures a smooth and transparent process, allowing you to make informed decisions about your dental care.

Remember, your dental care provider is a valuable resource in navigating the complexities of dual coverage and billing. Engaging in open communication with them empowers you to make the most of your insurance and ensures that you can approach your dental care with confidence and clarity.

Comprehensive Dental Insurance Plans Tailored to Your Needs

At, we pride ourselves on offering diverse dental insurance plans tailored to your needs. Our comprehensive range of plans ensures that you have access to coverage that perfectly aligns with your dental care requirements.

Having the right dental insurance plan is crucial for safeguarding your oral health. We understand that navigating the world of insurance can be overwhelming, so we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the information and support necessary to make an informed decision about your dental insurance needs.

Whether you’re seeking individual coverage or exploring options for your family, we have the perfect plan. We aim to empower you to take charge of your dental care by offering affordable and comprehensive insurance solutions. With our plans, you can know that your oral health is in good hands.

If you have any questions or want a free dental insurance quote, we invite you to contact our office at 310-534-3444. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to provide personalized assistance, answer any inquiries you may have, and guide you through selecting the ideal dental insurance plan for you and your loved ones.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure the dental coverage you deserve. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter and healthier smile. Let us help you find the perfect dental insurance plan for your needs and budget. Your oral health is our priority, and we are here to ensure you have the coverage you need to maintain a confident and radiant smile.

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 13th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Two Dental Insurance Plans—Share of Cost.

Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Thursday, Jun. 6th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome! I’m here to provide you with valuable insights about the 250% Working Disabled Program. This program, a part of the Medi-Cal system, offers unique benefits. For instance, your disability income, including Social Security retirement benefits, is not considered when determining your eligibility. If you meet the criteria, you could receive Medi-Cal coverage for a small premium or even free.

Applying for the program is a breeze. You don’t need to submit a new application. Simply reach out to your county through various channels such as phone, online, in person, or in writing. It’s that easy!

There are two main requirements for eligibility in the Working Disabled Program:

1. Disability Requirement: You need to obtain certification that you are disabled according to the standards set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you haven’t received a disability determination yet, you can request one from your county or apply for Social Security Disability Income.

2. Flexible Work Requirement: You must work to participate in this program. There is no minimum number of hours or earnings required. You can work as little as one hour per month and engage in various types of work, such as recycling, pet care, coupon clipping, childcare, or tutoring. Providing proof of your work can be as simple as a note from the person you work for, showing how much they pay you per month. You are not required to provide formal paystubs or checks from a payroll company.

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Embracing Opportunities: The Flexible Work Requirement of the Working Disabled Program

The Working Disabled Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities to gain access to Medi-Cal coverage while working. One critical requirement of the program is the Flexible Work Requirement, which allows participants to engage in various types of work without strict limitations on hours or earnings.

The beauty of the Flexible Work Requirement is that it recognizes the diverse abilities and circumstances of individuals with disabilities. Unlike traditional employment programs, this program acknowledges that work comes in many forms and can be tailored to suit each person’s capabilities and interests.

Participants in the Working Disabled Program can engage in a wide range of work activities, including but not limited to:

1. Recycling: Participating in recycling initiatives within your community can be a meaningful and environmentally friendly way to contribute while earning income.

2. Pet Care: Providing pet sitting, dog walking, or pet grooming services can be fulfilling and flexible to generate income.

3. Coupon Clipping: Utilizing your organizational skills to help others save money through coupon clipping and sharing can be a valuable service.

4. Childcare: Offering part-time childcare services for neighbors or friends can be a rewarding way to earn income while positively impacting families in your community.

5. Tutoring: Sharing your expertise in a particular subject by providing tutoring services to students can be a flexible and intellectually stimulating way to work.

These examples illustrate the diverse opportunities available under the Flexible Work Requirement. The program recognizes that work is not limited to traditional employment and empowers individuals to find meaningful ways to contribute to their communities while earning income.

By embracing the Flexible Work Requirement, individuals with disabilities can pursue work that aligns with their abilities and interests, leading to a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and financial independence.

If you or someone you know is eligible for the Working Disabled Program and is eager to explore the possibilities under the Flexible Work Requirement, don’t hesitate to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. Embrace the chance to work on your terms and find meaningful ways to contribute while enjoying the program’s benefits.

I hope this information encourages you to consider the diverse opportunities available under the Flexible Work Requirement in the Working Disabled Program. Please ask for assistance if you have any questions or need further guidance!

Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Absolutely! Individuals with disabilities already receiving Social Security retirement benefits can still apply for the Working Disabled Program. This program offers unique benefits and opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and receiving Social Security retirement benefits should not deter anyone from exploring its potential advantages.

One key aspect of the Working Disabled Program is that it does not consider disability income, including Social Security retirement benefits, when determining eligibility. Individuals receiving Social Security retirement benefits can still be eligible for the program and its valuable benefits, including potential access to Medi-Cal coverage for a small premium or even for free.

By applying for the program, individuals receiving Social Security retirement benefits can explore the possibility of enhancing their existing benefits and accessing additional support tailored to their needs. The program’s Flexible Work Requirement allows individuals to engage in various types of work without strict limitations on hours or earnings, providing an opportunity to supplement their income while continuing to receive Social Security retirement benefits.

Furthermore, participating in the Working Disabled Program can provide individuals with disabilities the chance to find meaningful ways to contribute to their communities, pursue work that aligns with their abilities and interests, and experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s an opportunity to embrace the chance to work on their terms and explore diverse work opportunities that recognize their unique circumstances and capabilities.

In summary, individuals with disabilities already receiving Social Security retirement benefits should not hesitate to consider applying for the Working Disabled Program. The program’s inclusive approach and valuable benefits make it an opportunity worth exploring and can potentially enhance the overall support and resources available to individuals with disabilities. If you or someone you know is in this situation, please take advantage of this program and its possibilities.

Extensive Selection of Dental and Vision Plans to Reduce Your Share of Cost

At, our mission is to provide you with an extensive selection of dental and vision plans designed to help you eliminate your share of cost and reduce your overall dental and vision care expenses. Our range of plans is crafted to assist you in meeting your spend-down requirement and achieving a zero share of cost while significantly lowering your dental and vision care expenses.

We understand the importance of finding the right dental and vision insurance to meet your needs and are here to help. Whether you have questions, need a free quote, or seek comprehensive dental and vision insurance, we encourage you to contact our office at 310-534-3444. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect plan that suits your requirements and helps you save on dental and vision care.

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 6th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Maximizing Your Health Insurance Options: Securing Extra Coverage and Maximizing Eligibility for Assistance Programs

Thursday, May. 30th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome to, your one-stop destination for comprehensive dental and vision plans tailored to your needs. Our wide array of offerings ensures you can find the perfect coverage to meet your requirements. Additionally, our extensive blog is a treasure trove of valuable information about share of cost and dental insurance, providing you with the knowledge you need to navigate the complexities of healthcare coverage. We are committed to equipping you with the resources and support necessary to make well-informed decisions.

Whether you are exploring options for dental or vision plans or seeking to understand your share of cost better, our team is dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need. Feel free to contact us at 310-534-3444 during our operating hours of 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday, and our friendly staff will be delighted to assist you with any inquiries, reassuring you that you’re not alone in this process.

Here is some important information about how extra health insurance premium costs can significantly lower your countable income and help you eliminate your share of cost. By purchasing additional health insurance, such as dental and vision plans or Medicare Part D prescription plans, you can effectively reduce your countable income, opening up new possibilities for your financial situation and healthcare coverage.

Moreover, if you aim to qualify for free Medi-Cal, here’s some hopeful news. You can purchase an extra insurance policy at a monthly cost that exceeds the limit. This proactive step could significantly impact your eligibility, opening up new possibilities for your healthcare coverage. To do this, you must provide proof of your extra insurance policy to the county, showing that you are paying more than the Medi-Cal limit for health insurance.

Additionally, you can still benefit if you have extra health insurance that you still need to report to the county. You can deduct those costs from your countable income by providing proof of your dental and vision plans or Medicare Part D prescription insurance premiums. This could lead to substantial savings and more significant financial assistance.

Before purchasing additional health insurance, it’s essential to consider the potential impact it may have on your eligibility for assistance programs. If you choose to pursue this option, you must provide the county with proof of the amount of your health insurance premiums. It’s advisable to consult with your county eligibility worker before making any decisions regarding additional health insurance. They can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific circumstances, such as helping you understand the impact on your eligibility and the process of reporting your health insurance premiums to the county.

Remember that the amount of other health care premiums required may vary based on changes in household income or expenses and any adjustments in program costs. ‘Program costs’ refer to the costs associated with the assistance programs you are enrolled in, such as Medi-Cal. If there are any changes in these costs, it could affect the amount of health care premiums you need to pay. If you currently have or are eligible for Medicare, you can seek free one-on-one counseling from a registered health insurance counselor. They can assist you in exploring and understanding your options for extra health insurance plans.

For personalized assistance in finding extra health insurance plans and a comprehensive understanding of your choices, consider contacting the California Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) at 1‐800‐434‐0222.  

By seeking guidance and exploring these options, you can make informed decisions about your health insurance coverage and maximize your eligibility for assistance programs. Purchasing extra health insurance can lower your countable income, eliminate your share of cost, and maximize your eligibility for assistance programs. I hope this information helps you maximize your health insurance options!

Proactive Documentation: Impacting Medi-Cal Eligibility with Extra Insurance Policy Proof

When it comes to potentially impacting your eligibility for free Medi-Cal by providing proof of your extra insurance policy to the county, it’s essential to be proactive and thorough in your approach. Providing proof involves demonstrating that you are paying more than the Medi-Cal limit for health insurance, thereby showcasing your financial commitment to secure additional health coverage.

One persuasive approach to providing this proof is to gather all relevant documentation related to your extra insurance policy. This may include copies of your insurance policy, premium payment receipts, and any correspondence from the insurance provider detailing the coverage and costs. By presenting a comprehensive and organized set of documents, you can effectively illustrate the extent of your health insurance coverage and the associated expenses.

Additionally, consider drafting a cover letter or statement outlining the reasons for obtaining the extra insurance policy and its financial impact on your overall healthcare expenses. This personalized narrative can provide valuable context to the county officials reviewing your proof, emphasizing the genuine need for additional coverage and its positive impact on your healthcare affordability.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to maintain open communication with the county eligibility workers throughout this process. Contact them to inquire about the specific documentation requirements and any additional steps necessary to validate your extra insurance policy. You can showcase your commitment to transparency and compliance with the eligibility guidelines by demonstrating your willingness to collaborate and provide the requested evidence.

In exploring this process, remember that persistence and attention to detail can significantly strengthen your case for impacting your eligibility for free Medi-Cal through the provision of proof of your extra insurance policy. By approaching this task with diligence and persuasive documentation, you can effectively convey the value of your additional health coverage and maximize your potential for favorable eligibility outcomes.

Maximizing Your Health Insurance Options: Securing Extra Coverage and Maximizing Eligibility for Assistance Programs

In conclusion, taking proactive steps to secure extra health insurance impacts your eligibility for assistance programs like Medi-Cal and provides you with enhanced financial security and comprehensive healthcare coverage. By exploring your options and seeking guidance from relevant organizations such as the California Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP), you can make informed decisions and maximize your potential for assistance.

Remember, thorough documentation and clear communication with the county regarding your extra insurance policy are crucial to showcasing your financial commitment and eligibility for additional coverage. By providing comprehensive proof and seeking assistance when needed, you can eliminate your share of cost and maximize your access to healthcare resources.

I encourage you to actively understand and explore these options, as they can significantly impact your financial situation and healthcare coverage. Your proactive approach to securing extra health insurance can lead to substantial savings and increased eligibility for assistance programs. Thank you for considering these important aspects, and I wish you success in maximizing your health insurance options.

Posted on Thursday, May. 30th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Maximizing Your Health Insurance Options: Securing Extra Coverage and Maximizing Eligibility for Assistance Programs

Elimination of Asset Limit for Medi-Cal Enrollees in California: Offers Help for Affordable Healthcare

Thursday, May. 16th 2024 10:00 AM

Are you or a loved one struggling to afford healthcare due to the asset limit requirement for Medi-Cal in California? The good news is that, a trusted resource for healthcare information and assistance, is here to help. With the recent elimination of any asset limit for enrollees, Medi-Cal will now consider only applicants’ income when assessing financial eligibility for benefits. This move is a significant step toward achieving health equity for Californians who are elderly or have disabilities. If you have any questions, please visit our website,, or call us at 310-534-3444. We offer dental insurance that helps to zero out your share of cost so you can get the care you need without worrying about financial insecurity.

Importance of Dental Insurance for Affordable Healthcare in California

Purchasing dental insurance can be a wise financial decision for those struggling to afford healthcare due to the asset limit requirement for Medi-Cal in California. By purchasing dental insurance, you can significantly reduce out-of-pocket costs and eliminate your medical share of cost. This empowers you to take control of your healthcare expenses and plan your budget more effectively.

With, for instance, their comprehensive dental insurance covers a wide range of services, including cleanings, fillings, and major procedures. This insurance helps zero out your share of cost, so you can get the care you need without worrying about financial insecurity. This means that you won’t have to pay anything out of pocket when you need dental care.

Not only can dental insurance help you save money on dental care, but it can also help you maintain good oral health, which is essential to your overall health. Regular dental cleanings and checkups can prevent more serious dental problems from developing, which can be costly to treat. This knowledge empowers you to prioritize your oral health and understand its long-term benefits.

In addition, having dental insurance can give you peace of mind, knowing you can access affordable dental care when needed. You won’t have to worry about how you’ll pay for dental care if you experience a dental emergency or need a major dental procedure.

Overall, purchasing dental insurance can be a wise financial decision for those struggling to afford healthcare due to the asset limit requirement for Medi-Cal in California. It’s important to note that dental insurance is often more affordable than paying for dental care out of pocket. It can help reduce your out-of-pocket costs, eliminate your medical share of cost, and give you peace of mind knowing that you can access affordable dental care when needed.

Medi-Cal Now Considers Income, Not Assets, of Enrollees

Maria had been actively involved in volunteer work at her local church for many years. When one of her acquaintances passed away several years ago, Maria inherited $80,000 unexpectedly. At that time, Maria faced significant expenses, including vehicle repairs, and the legacy provided her with much-needed financial relief.

However, Maria later discovered that her inheritance would disqualify her from participating in Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program for low-income people. At that time, anyone with over $2,000 in qualified assets, including cash savings, was ineligible for Medi-Cal.

“We had to scurry around to see how we could make health care affordable for my mom,” said her daughter, Tatiana Fassieux, an education and training specialist with California Health Advocates.

Now, after years of planning and implementation by state officials, people like Maria are no longer faced with the financial and health insecurity created by the asset test. On January 1, 2024, Medi-Cal eliminated any asset limit for enrollees. This means that your savings, investments, and other assets will no longer be considered when determining your eligibility for Medi-Cal. Instead, only your income will be assessed. This significant change can greatly benefit those with low incomes and some financial assets.

The asset test, which originally applied to everyone in Medi-Cal, has undergone significant changes over the years. In the 1980s, the state removed the requirement for pregnant women, infants, and children. When the Affordable Care Act took effect in 2014, the asset test was no longer applied to adults under 65 without disabilities. That left only older people, people with disabilities, and those living in long-term care facilities as the remaining applicants still affected by the asset limit. This context is important to understand the significance of the recent elimination of the asset limit for these groups.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 133 into law in 2021, starting a two-phase process to eliminate the asset test. Phase I began in 2022 by raising the individual asset limit from $2,000 to $130,000. In the first 18 months, more than 12,000 individuals became newly eligible due to the Phase I changes in policy.

Phase II of implementation began in January 2024, when Medi-Cal eliminated asset limits entirely, making California the first state in the nation to do so. This change is particularly beneficial for people who seek long-term care services through Medi-Cal because of age or disability. They will no longer be penalized for having savings, which will give them and their families greater financial security. While officials have yet to release updated numbers from the Phase II changes, the state estimates that 30,000 Californians with low incomes are newly eligible to enroll. This change is a significant step toward achieving health equity for older Californians and state residents with disabilities.

According to Griselda Melgoza, a spokesperson for the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), the motivations for the change were simple – to offer people enrolled in Medi-Cal a better opportunity to achieve financial stability and to create a more equitable system for older Californians and state residents with disabilities.

While advocates agree that the policy change has many upsides, they also raise valid concerns. The new asset test policy, while beneficial in many ways, raises questions about how Medi-Cal can continue improving access, advancing equity, and treating patients with dignity. This perspective is important to consider when evaluating the impact of the policy change.

One of the most immediate benefits to consumers is that people with low incomes and some financial assets will no longer be forced to drain their savings to qualify for services like skilled nursing and long-term care. The practice of “spending down” one’s assets to be eligible for Medi-Cal severely affected individuals and their families.

Tiffany Huyenh-Cho, JD, director of California Medicare and Medicaid advocacy at Justice in Aging, which fights poverty among older people, said, “People were being forced to impoverish themselves and risk their financial future to access Medi-Cal benefits.” When the asset limit was in place, her colleagues would try to educate clients on ways to spend down responsibly, usually by prepaying anticipated expenses, like rent. Still, the result was that individuals had fewer dollars available for emergencies.

Advocates say the elimination of the asset test is a significant step toward achieving health equity for Californians who are elderly or have disabilities. The policy change has many immediate benefits, such as allowing people with low incomes and some financial assets to no longer be forced to drain their savings to qualify for services like skilled nursing and long-term care. This practice of ‘spending down’ one’s assets to be eligible for Medi-Cal severely affected individuals and their families. The elimination of the asset test provides these individuals and their families with greater financial security and peace of mind.

Source: California Health Care Foundation

Affordable Healthcare in California: Elimination of Asset Limit for Medi-Cal Enrollees and How Can Help You

In conclusion, eliminating the asset limit for Medi-Cal enrollees in California is a significant improvement toward achieving health equity for Californians who are elderly or have disabilities. This change enables them to access affordable healthcare without worrying about financial insecurity and empowers them to prioritize their health and well-being.

If you are struggling to afford healthcare due to the asset limit requirement for Medi-Cal, is here to help. Our trusted resource offers dental insurance to help you save money on dental care and eliminate your share of cost. By purchasing dental insurance, you can significantly reduce out-of-pocket costs, plan your budget more effectively, and maintain good oral health, essential to your overall health.

Visit our website,, or call our office at 310-534-3444 for a free dental insurance quote or any questions. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you with your healthcare needs and provide the information you need to make an informed decision.

Remember, oral health is essential to overall health, and we are here to help make it more affordable. Don’t let financial insecurity keep you from accessing the healthcare you need. Contact us today to learn more about our dental insurance plans and how we can help you achieve affordable healthcare in California.

Posted on Thursday, May. 16th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Elimination of Asset Limit for Medi-Cal Enrollees in California: Offers Help for Affordable Healthcare

Share of Cost – Do I Pay my IHSS Provider When I Have a SOC?

Monday, Apr. 22nd 2024 10:00 AM

Do I Pay my IHSS Provider When I Have a SOC?

Hello there! Are you familiar with Share of Cost (SOC) and how it works for your IHSS services? If not, don’t worry—we’re here to help you understand this topic better.

Firstly, you may wonder if you need to pay your IHSS provider directly if you have a SOC. The answer is no. The county will deduct the cost of your IHSS services from your SOC amount. This is to meet your payment obligation, and it’s essential to keep track of your provider’s hours to ensure accurate calculation of your SOC.

Medi-Cal-approved services usually get paid first during the month, and the payment order depends on which services are used. Your SOC payment can depend on the amount owed and the specific Medi-Cal-approved service used. For instance, if you visit your doctor or the pharmacy, the SOC payment could be made during the visit or when you receive any other Medi-Cal-approved service.

Once your IHSS provider submits their timesheet, the county will notify you and provide details of the amount of SOC met for the month and the amount you owe your provider as part of the SOC. Submitting your provider’s hours to your county social services agency is essential, as this will help ensure that your SOC is met monthly. Additionally, it will ensure that you receive the necessary Medi-Cal benefits for your medical expenses.

In conclusion, the SOC is a payment obligation that the county deducts from your IHSS services. You don’t need to pay your IHSS provider directly. To ensure an accurate calculation of your SOC, you should keep track of your provider’s hours and submit them to your county social services agency. We hope this information is helpful to you.

What is Share of Cost (SOC), and how does it work?

Share of Cost (SOC) is a payment obligation you must meet before you can start receiving Medi-Cal benefits. The SOC amount is the portion of your healthcare expenses that you are responsible for paying each month before Medi-Cal starts paying for them. 

For IHSS services, the county will deduct the cost of IHSS services from your SOC amount. This ensures that your SOC payment is met, and you don’t need to pay your IHSS provider directly. The county will notify you of the amount of SOC met for the month and the amount you owe your provider as part of the SOC. 

To ensure an accurate calculation of your SOC, you should keep track of your provider’s hours and submit them to your county social services agency. Additionally, you should know the payment order for Medi-Cal-approved services, as this can affect your SOC payment amount.

Understanding Share of Cost (SOC) and How It Works for Your IHSS Services

Thank you for learning more about Share of Cost (SOC) and how it works for your IHSS services. Remember, the SOC is a payment obligation you must meet before receiving Medi-Cal benefits. It’s essential to keep track of your IHSS provider’s hours and submit them to your county social services agency to ensure an accurate calculation of your SOC.

At, we understand that meeting your SOC payment obligation can be challenging. That’s why we offer dental and vision insurance plans that can help reduce or eliminate your SOC. Our insurance plans can also save you money on your dental healthcare needs, making it easier for you to meet your spend-down requirement.

Don’t let your SOC payment obligation prevent you from getting the necessary health care services. Contact us today at 310-534-3444 to learn more about our dental and vision insurance plans and how they can help you. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Posted on Monday, Apr. 22nd 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Share of Cost – Do I Pay my IHSS Provider When I Have a SOC?

Share of Cost -Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces and Orthodontist 

Monday, Apr. 15th 2024 10:00 AM

Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces and Orthodontists 

Question: My 13-year-old needs braces, our family dentist has told me. I have been paying cash for our family’s dental care needs since all we usually have going on is our twice-a-year checkups and cleanings. If I get dental insurance, will it help cover braces? If so, what are the limitations and exclusions of the dental insurance plan regarding orthodontic treatment that I should know? How much will dental insurance cover orthodontic treatment like braces? Are their deductibles and copays?

Answer: Hello and welcome! Thank you for your question regarding dental insurance coverage for braces and orthodontic treatment. At, we understand how important it is to have access to affordable dental care, especially for children. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date and accurate information to help you make an informed decision.

There are many factors to consider when considering dental insurance coverage for braces. Coverage varies depending on the specific plan. Some plans may cover a certain percentage of the cost, while others may pay a set dollar amount for the treatment. Additionally, some plans may have waiting periods before coverage for orthodontic treatment kicks in.

Reviewing the details of the plan you are considering to fully understand the costs and benefits of getting braces under your dental insurance plan is essential. Our team of experts at can help you navigate the complex world of dental insurance and select the best plan to provide your family with the necessary coverage at a price that fits your budget.

Please get in touch with us at 310-534-344 to speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives. We’re here to help you make the best decision for you and your family’s dental health. Thank you for considering as your go-to resource for dental insurance information!

Understanding Dental Insurance Coverage for Orthodontic Treatment: A Guide for Families

Thank you for bringing up this question about dental insurance coverage for orthodontic treatment. It’s a good idea to explore this topic thoroughly to make an informed decision about your family’s dental health.

First, address your question: will dental insurance cover orthodontic services for children up to age 19? The answer is that many, but not all, dental insurance plans will offer benefits for orthodontic services for children under 19. The extent of the coverage will vary depending on the specific plan, so it’s essential to review the details carefully.

Some dental insurance plans cover a percentage of the cost of orthodontic treatment, while others pay a set dollar amount. Additionally, some plans may have waiting periods before coverage kicks in. It’s essential to fully understand each plan’s costs and benefits to determine the best fit for your family’s needs.

It’s also worth noting that even with dental insurance, you may still be responsible for paying a portion of the cost of orthodontic treatment out of pocket, depending on the specifics of your plan. This can include deductibles, copays, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Understanding the Limitations and Exclusions of Your Dental Insurance Plan for Orthodontic Treatment

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to understand the limitations and exclusions of your dental insurance plan. Coverage specifics can vary widely between plans, and reviewing the details carefully before making any decisions is necessary.

The age limit is one common limitation of dental insurance plans regarding orthodontic treatment. Many plans only cover orthodontic services for children up to 19, while others may have different or no age limits. Reviewing your dental insurance plan’s age limit to ensure your child is still eligible for coverage is essential.

Another limitation is the type of orthodontic treatment covered. Some dental insurance plans may only cover traditional metal braces, while others may also cover clear aligners or orthodontic appliances. It’s essential to understand which types of orthodontic treatment are covered under your plan and which are not.

Dental insurance plans may also have exclusions related to pre-existing conditions. If your child has a pre-existing orthodontic condition, such as a misaligned jaw, your insurance plan may not cover the cost of treatment. Reviewing your plan’s exclusions is essential to understand which conditions may not be covered.

Finally, it’s essential to understand any deductibles, copays, or out-of-pocket expenses associated with orthodontic treatment under your dental insurance plan. Even if your plan does cover orthodontic treatment, you may still be responsible for paying a portion of the cost out of pocket.

In conclusion, understanding the limitations and exclusions of your dental insurance plan regarding orthodontic treatment is essential to making an informed decision about your child’s dental health. By carefully reviewing your plan’s specifics and speaking with your dental insurance provider, you can ensure you have the necessary coverage at a price that fits your budget.

Limitations and Exclusions Breakdown to Consider When Choosing Dental Insurance for Orthodontic Services. 

  • Age Limits: Age limits are essential when selecting a dental insurance plan, particularly for orthodontic services. Some insurance plans may have restrictions on the age range of individuals who are eligible for orthodontic coverage. Only children or young adults up to a certain age may be covered, while older adults may not qualify for such services. If you are considering orthodontic treatment and are unsure about the age limits within your dental insurance plan, it’s best to speak with your insurance provider directly. They can provide you with more information about your coverage options and help you understand any restrictions or limitations that may apply. By doing so, you can make an informed decision about your dental insurance coverage and ensure you can access the services you need.
  • Waiting Periods: Waiting periods are common in many dental insurance plans, especially for orthodontic services. These periods refer to a specific period you must wait before your insurance coverage for orthodontic treatments starts. During this waiting period, you will not be eligible for reimbursement for any orthodontic procedures that you may undergo. The waiting period can vary depending on the specific insurance plan, but it usually ranges from several months to a year. It’s essential to understand the waiting period requirements of your dental insurance plan before you start orthodontic treatments. 
  • Maximum Limitation:  Dental insurance policies use the term “Maximum Limitation” to specify the maximum benefits the policy will pay out for a particular procedure or service. Say the dental insurance plan you are reviewing has a maximum limit of $3000.00. However, orthodontia services, which are specific dental services, may have their separate maximum limitations. For example, Orthodontia Services has a Lifetime Max of $1500.00 and is limited to $300.00 per calendar year. Let me provide an example to help you better understand how this works. Let’s say that a patient named John requires orthodontic treatment and decides to start it in the current calendar year. The treatment plan costs $4000.00 in total. The patient’s dental insurance plan covers orthodontic services with a Lifetime Max of $1500.00 and a yearly limit of $300.00. The insurance company will pay $300.00 for the orthodontic treatment in the first year. This amount is within the yearly limit of $300.00. In the second year, the insurance company will again pay $300.00, the maximum amount allowed per calendar year. By the end of the second year, the insurance company will have paid a total of $600.00 towards the orthodontic treatment; it continues this way until the company has paid out $1500.00 and reaches the Lifetime Max of $1500.00. However, since the total cost of the treatment is $4000.00, the patient will have to pay the remaining balance of $2500.00 out of pocket. Therefore, it is essential to know if dental insurance has a maximum limitation but to verify the maximum limitation for orthodontics per year and lifetime.
  • Exclusions: When it comes to dental insurance plans, it’s essential to understand that certain services may be excluded. These are referred to as exclusions and can vary from plan to plan. Regarding orthodontic services, some typical exclusions include cosmetic procedures, teeth whitening or veneers, or treatment for pre-existing conditions.  
  •  Deductibles and Copays: Deductibles and copays are essential considerations regarding dental insurance coverage for orthodontic treatment. Deductibles are the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Copays, on the other hand, refer to the percentage of the total cost of the services you are responsible for paying. For example, your dental insurance plan requires a $100 deductible and a 20% copay for orthodontic treatment. If your child’s braces cost $5,000, you would be responsible for paying the first $100 out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. After that, you would be responsible for paying 20% of the remaining cost, which would be $980 (20% of $4,900). Reviewing the deductibles and copays associated with your dental insurance plan is essential to understand how much you will need to pay out-of-pocket for orthodontic treatment.  

Tips for Shopping for Dental Insurance for Your Child’s Orthodontic Treatment

There are several essential factors to consider when shopping for dental insurance for your child’s orthodontic treatment. The right dental insurance plan can help make orthodontic treatment more affordable, but finding the right one can be daunting. In this article, we explored some tips and tricks for shopping for dental insurance when you want orthodontic services for a minor.

First, it’s essential to understand the type of orthodontic treatment your child needs. Various kinds of orthodontic treatment are available, including traditional metal braces, clear aligners, and orthodontic appliances. Before shopping for dental insurance, speak with your child’s orthodontist to understand the type of treatment recommended and how much it will cost.

Once you understand the type of treatment your child needs, it’s time to start shopping for dental insurance. When comparing plans, look for coverage options that specifically mention orthodontic treatment. Not all dental insurance plans cover orthodontics, so reading the fine print carefully is crucial.

When comparing plans, pay attention to the coverage limits and exclusions. Some plans may have a lifetime limit on orthodontic treatment, while others may have an age limit. Additionally, some plans may exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions or certain types of orthodontic treatment. Understanding these limitations and exclusions can help you make an informed decision.

Another factor to consider is the cost of the plan. Dental insurance plans can vary widely in cost, so it’s essential to consider your budget when shopping for a plan. Remember that the cheapest plan may not always be the best option, as it may not provide the coverage you need for your child’s orthodontic treatment.

Finally, consider the dental insurance provider’s reputation. Look for reviews and ratings from other customers to understand their experience with the provider. A reputable provider will have positive reviews and a history of providing quality dental insurance coverage.

In conclusion, shopping for dental insurance for your child’s orthodontic treatment requires careful consideration and research. Look for options that mention orthodontic treatment, understand the coverage limits and exclusions, consider the plan’s cost, and choose a reputable provider. By following these tips, you can find the right dental insurance plan to provide your child with the necessary coverage for their orthodontic treatment at a price that fits your budget.

Navigating Dental Insurance: Let Our Experts Help You Find the Right Plan for Your Family’s Needs and Budget

At, we understand how overwhelming and confusing it can be to navigate the complexities of dental insurance, especially when it comes to orthodontic treatment. That’s why we have a team of experts who are dedicated to helping families like yours find the best dental insurance plan that meets their specific needs at a price that fits their budget.

Our team of knowledgeable representatives is available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process of selecting the most appropriate dental insurance plan. We understand that every family has unique dental needs, and we take the time to listen to your concerns and help you find the plan that offers the most comprehensive coverage for the dental services you need.

We believe that dental insurance should be accessible and affordable for everyone, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients get the most out of their plans. Our team is committed to providing you with the most up-to-date and accurate information so you can make an informed decision and choose a plan that meets your family’s needs.

So, if you’re looking for help navigating the complexities of dental insurance and finding a plan that provides the necessary coverage for your family’s dental needs at a price that fits your budget, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 310-534-344. We’re here to help you make the best decision for your family’s dental health.

Posted on Monday, Apr. 15th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost -Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces and Orthodontist 

Share of Cost – Looking for an in-network dentist under an HMO dental Insurance Plan 

Monday, Apr. 1st 2024 10:00 AM

Question: I am considering buying a dental HMO plan due to its affordability. I will have to choose a provider in an HMO plan. If I get an HMO, how do I look for an in-network dentist? 

Reply: Hello there! Welcome to – your go-to destination for all things related to dental insurance plans. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a reliable and affordable dental insurance plan. We’re here to help you find the perfect dental plan that meets your needs and budget. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call us at 310-534-3444. Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is always ready to help you.

Thank you for your question. First, let’s address what an HMO dental insurance plan is. An HMO dental insurance plan is a type of dental insurance that offers a network of dentists who have agreed to provide dental care services to plan members at a reduced cost. When you have an HMO dental insurance plan, you must choose a primary care dentist responsible for providing routine dental care services and referring you to specialists as needed.

The primary advantage of an HMO dental insurance plan is that it offers affordable dental care services to plan members. The network of dentists agrees to provide services at a reduced cost in exchange for a steady stream of patients from the HMO.

Additionally, HMO dental insurance plans usually have lower out-of-pocket costs than other dental insurance plans. You will pay less for dental care services when you visit a dentist in the HMO network.

It’s important to note that HMO dental insurance plans have some limitations. For instance, if you go to a dentist who is not part of the HMO network, you may have to pay the total cost of the dental care services you receive. Additionally, you may have to get a referral from your primary care dentist before seeing a specialist.

Overall, an HMO dental insurance plan is an excellent option for anyone who wants affordable dental care services and is willing to stick to a network of dentists who have agreed to provide services at a reduced cost.

How to Find a Dentist Accepting New Patients Under HMO Dental Insurance Plan

If you are looking for a dentist under an HMO dental insurance plan, you might wonder how to determine if a dentist is still accepting new patients. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this.

First, you can contact the HMO dental insurance plan provider directly. They usually have a list of dentists in their network and can tell you which ones accept new patients. You can also ask about dentist availability, hours of operation, and location. This information will help you determine which dentist best fits your needs.

Another option is to visit the dentist’s website or call their office directly. Most dentists have a website that provides information about their practice, including whether or not they are accepting new patients. You can also call their office and ask the receptionist if they accept new patients.

You can also check online review sites like Yelp or Google Reviews. These sites allow you to read reviews from previous patients and see if the dentist is currently accepting new patients. Remember that not all reviews are trustworthy, so research and read multiple reviews before deciding.

Finally, you can ask for recommendations from friends, family, or coworkers with an HMO dental insurance plan. They may have had positive experiences with a dentist in the HMO network and can recommend a provider currently accepting new patients.

In conclusion, finding a dentist under an HMO dental insurance plan currently accepting new patients can be challenging. However, you can find a dentist who fits you by contacting the HMO dental insurance plan provider, checking online reviews, or asking for recommendations from friends and family. Remember to research and ask questions to ensure you receive quality dental care.

Choosing an HMO Dental Provider: What You Should Ask and Know

If you’re considering an HMO dental insurance plan, choosing the right provider is essential to ensure you receive quality dental care. Here are some tips on what to ask and what to know when selecting an HMO dental provider:

1. Check the provider network: Ensure the dentist you want to see is in the HMO network. To ensure you have access to the dental care you need, you must confirm that the dentist you want to see is in your HMO network. By choosing an in-network dentist, you can save money on out-of-pocket costs and ensure that the dentist you visit is qualified and reputable.

When you visit an in-network dentist, you can rest assured that they have met specific standards and qualifications set by your HMO provider. You can also benefit from lower co-pays, deductibles, and premiums, saving you significant money over time.

So, before you schedule an appointment with a dentist, take the time to check if they are in your HMO network. You can visit your insurance provider’s website or call their customer service. Doing so can ensure you receive the best care possible while minimizing out-of-pocket expenses.

2. Review the dentist’s credentials: Check the dentist’s qualifications and experience. Make sure they are licensed and have a good reputation in the dental community. When choosing a dentist, it’s essential to ensure that they have the necessary qualifications and experience to provide quality dental care. To do this, you can start by checking whether they are licensed to practice dentistry in your area. You can usually find this information by searching for the dentist’s name on your state’s dental board website.

In addition to checking their license, you can also look into the dentist’s educational background and any additional certifications or training they may have completed. You can typically find this information on the dentist’s website or by contacting their practice directly.

You can read reviews and ratings from previous patients to gauge the dentist’s reputation in the dental community. Many dental practices have reviews on their websites or third-party sites like Yelp or Google. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations or check with your local dental society for referrals.

Researching and thoroughly vetting any potential dentist is essential to ensure you receive the best care possible. By checking their qualifications and reputation, you can feel confident in your choice and enjoy a healthy, happy smile.

3. Check their office hours: Ensure the dentist’s office hours are convenient. Finding a dentist who offers flexible office hours is essential if you have a busy work schedule and can’t take time off. For instance, if you work during the day, look for a dentist who offers evening or weekend appointments.

Having a dentist who offers flexible office hours can help you make and keep your appointments without disrupting your work schedule. You won’t have to worry about taking time off work or missing important meetings to attend your dental appointments.

In addition, finding a dentist with flexible office hours can help you avoid long wait times and overcrowded waiting rooms. You can schedule your appointment at a convenient time and avoid waiting for long periods.

4. Ask about their services: Find out what dental services the dentist offers. Verifying what dental services a dentist provides is essential before choosing them as your provider for several reasons. Not all dentists offer the same range of services. Some may specialize in certain areas, such as orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry, while others only provide basic dental care. By verifying the services they offer, you can ensure that your dentist is equipped to provide the specific treatments you need.

Verifying the services offered can help you avoid the inconvenience of having to visit multiple dentists for different procedures. For example, if you require a filling and a cleaning, it would be much more convenient to have both procedures done by the same dentist rather than visiting one dentist for the filling and another for the cleaning.

Verifying the services offered can help you avoid unexpected costs. Some dental procedures can be expensive, and it can be frustrating to find out that your insurance does not cover a particular treatment or that you will need to pay out of pocket for a specialist. By verifying the services offered, you can ensure you know all potential costs upfront and decide which dentist to choose.

5. Consider location: When choosing a provider for your HMO dental insurance plan, it’s essential to consider the dental office’s location. The location can significantly impact your overall dental experience and the convenience of receiving dental care.

Firstly, choosing a dental office near your home or workplace can save you time and money on transportation costs. If the dental office is far away, transportation costs may increase, and getting there may take longer, causing inconvenience.

Secondly, choosing a dental office close to your home or workplace can make it easier to schedule appointments. If the dental office is nearby, you can easily schedule appointments during your lunch break or after work without traveling a long distance.

Thirdly, choosing a dental office close to your home or workplace can make it easier to receive emergency dental care. Dental emergencies can happen anytime, and having a dental office nearby can provide quick access to your needed care.

Lastly, choosing a dental office close to your home or workplace can make building a long-term relationship with your dentist easier. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health. If your dental office is close by, you’re more likely to schedule regular appointments and build a relationship with your dentist, leading to better communication and personalized care.

6. Ask about their payment policies: When using an HMO dental insurance plan, it’s essential to ask about payment policies. The reason is that not all dentists accept every type of dental insurance plan. Therefore, ensuring that the dentist you choose is part of your HMO dental insurance network is crucial. Moreover, you should also find out what types of payment the dentist accepts and if they offer any payment options if you need them. By taking these measures, you can prevent unexpected expenses and guarantee that you receive optimal dental care without any financial challenges.

7. Ask about their emergency care services: When people select an HMO dentist, they often concentrate only on how well the dentist performs during regular check-ups and visits. However, it’s equally important to consider what would happen if you experience a dental emergency. Accidents can happen anytime, even if you have excellent oral health, and you should ensure that you are in good hands in case of any unexpected occurrence.

That’s why it’s a good idea to ask about emergency care services when selecting an HMO dentist. Find out what types of emergencies they can handle, what their response time is, and what their policy is for after-hours emergencies. Finding this information out will give you peace of mind, knowing that you’ll be able to receive prompt and effective care if you need it.

Choosing an HMO dentist with strong emergency care services can provide you with added security and peace of mind. Even if you’re in great oral health, ask about their emergency care capabilities. Being prepared for the unexpected is always a better approach.

8. Read online reviews: Reading online reviews can be a helpful tool in choosing a dental office or a dentist. These reviews can provide insights into the experiences of other patients who have visited the office or the dentist. By reading reviews, potential patients can learn about the quality of care, the staff’s professionalism, and the office’s overall atmosphere. This information can help patients decide where to seek dental services.

However, it’s essential to remember that not all reviews are truthful or unbiased. Some reviews may be fake or written by competitors, while others may be biased due to personal preferences or experiences. It’s important to read multiple reviews and consider the overall trend rather than relying on any single review. It’s also a good idea to prioritize reviews from verified sources, such as those requiring proof of a dental office visit.

Following these tips, you can choose an HMO dental provider who meets your needs and provides quality dental care services. Remember to ask questions and do your research to ensure you make an informed decision.

Choosing the Right HMO Dental Insurance Plan and Provider with

If you’re considering an HMO dental insurance plan, finding a provider who meets your needs and provides quality dental care services is essential. At, we understand that choosing the right dental insurance plan and provider can be challenging. That’s why our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is always ready to help you with any questions or concerns. 

We offer a wide range of affordable dental insurance plans to help you save money while receiving quality dental care services. If you’re looking for an HMO dental insurance plan, we can help you find an in-network dentist who accepts new patients and fits your needs. 

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can call us at 310-534-3444 for a free quote or to get assistance in choosing the perfect dental insurance plan. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We’re here to help you get the dental care you need and deserve.

Posted on Monday, Apr. 1st 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost – Looking for an in-network dentist under an HMO dental Insurance Plan 

Share of Cost – Medi-Cal

Monday, Mar. 25th 2024 10:00 AM

Understanding the Share of Cost Option in Medi-Cal: A Guide for Californians

Hello there, reader! Are you aware of the share-of-cost option in Medi-Cal? This topic is of great significance for millions of Californians, and we at aim to provide comprehensive information about it. Understanding that many of the 7 million Californians with Medi-Cal coverage do not qualify for cash assistance through CalWORKs or SSI is essential, as people commonly misunderstand it. If you need help or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 310-534-3444.

Now, let’s talk about the share of cost option. This program requires individuals to pay some money towards their medical expenses before Medi-Cal coverage kicks in. The amount is based on your income and other factors, which can be challenging to estimate without proper guidance. However, understanding this program is crucial for making informed healthcare decisions and avoiding unexpected expenses.

The share of cost option is not the same as co-payments or premiums. Instead, it’s a way for Medi-Cal to ensure that beneficiaries contribute to the cost of their healthcare while still providing affordable coverage. Without this program, the burden of paying for medical expenses could fall entirely on the state, making the program unsustainable in the long run.

Therefore, it’s essential to clearly understand the share of cost options in Medi-Cal. Doing so lets you make informed healthcare decisions and avoid unexpected expenses. It’s important to note that this program is designed to help those who need it most, and it’s an integral part of California’s healthcare system.

The share of cost option in Medi-Cal is a crucial program that serves millions of Californians. Understanding this program is essential for making informed healthcare decisions and avoiding unexpected expenses. So, if you’re eligible for Medi-Cal coverage, familiarize yourself with this program and its benefits.

Understanding Medi-Cal Eligibility: Programs and Benefits for Californians

Let’s explore how individuals and families can qualify for Medi-Cal coverage in California. You may be surprised to know that there are several programs available for working families with incomes below the poverty level, as well as programs targeting children, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities. 

In addition to these programs, Medi-Cal benefits individuals and families with incomes too high to qualify for cash assistance but too low to cover their healthcare costs. Even if you are not eligible for other programs, you may still qualify for Medi-Cal coverage.

It’s important to understand that Medi-Cal is a vital resource for millions of Californians who would otherwise be unable to afford healthcare. With Medi-Cal coverage, individuals and families can access various healthcare services, including preventative care, medical treatment, and prescription medications. 

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of how to qualify for Medi-Cal coverage. Familiarizing yourself with the different programs available and the eligibility requirements for each program is essential. By doing so, you can ensure that you take advantage of all the healthcare resources available to you and your family.

Medi-Cal provides benefits for individuals and families with incomes below the poverty level, as well as programs targeting children, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities. Additionally, Medi-Cal benefits individuals and families with incomes too high to qualify for cash assistance but too low to cover health care costs. If you need healthcare services and clarification on your eligibility for Medi-Cal, explore the different programs available and their eligibility requirements.  

Disproportionate Rise in Medi-Cal Expenditures by a Small Percentage of Beneficiaries: An Analysis of Fiscal Year 2019-20 Data

As of the latest available data from fiscal year 2019-20, the percentage of Medi-Cal beneficiaries responsible for a disproportionate amount of fee-for-service expenditures has increased. That year, approximately 5% of beneficiaries accounted for about 50% of fee-for-service expenditures. This represents a significant increase from 2007, when just over 1% of beneficiaries accounted for about 15% of total fee-for-service expenditures, estimated at $2.2 billion for the fiscal year 2006-07. The reasons for this increase are complex and multifaceted, including rising healthcare costs, an aging population, and the prevalence of chronic conditions among specific population segments. Despite these challenges, the Medi-Cal program remains a vital resource for millions of Californians, providing access to essential healthcare services and helping to improve health outcomes across the state.

Understanding the Share of Cost Option in Medi-Cal: Eligibility Requirements and Calculation

Only some qualify for the share-of-cost program because it is designed for individuals or families with income above the limit to qualify for regular Medi-Cal coverage but still need help paying for their healthcare expenses. Those who do not meet the program’s income and eligibility requirements may be unable to participate. Understanding the eligibility requirements is essential for making informed healthcare decisions.

The qualifications for the share-of-cost option are based on several factors, including income, family size, and medical expenses. To be eligible, individuals must have a monthly income below a specific limit, which varies based on family size. Additionally, individuals must have medical expenses exceeding their monthly cost share.

The share of cost is calculated by subtracting the income limit from the individual’s monthly income and deducting any allowable expenses. The remaining amount is the share-of-cost the individual must pay before Medi-Cal coverage kicks in. For example, if an individual has a monthly income of $1,000 and the income limit for their family size is $700, their share of cost would be $300.

It’s important to note that not all medical expenses count towards the share of cost. Only specific medical expenses, such as prescriptions, hospital stays, and medical equipment, count towards the share of cost. Additionally, the share of cost must be paid in full before Medi-Cal coverage begins, and it resets every month.

To qualify for the share of cost option, individuals must meet all the eligibility requirements and provide proof of their income and medical expenses. You must submit pay stubs, medical bills, and other supporting documentation to complete the process.

Understanding the Share of Cost Option in Medi-Cal: Qualifications and Benefits for Californians

Are you a Californian struggling to pay for your medical expenses? Do you wish to have access to affordable healthcare without the burden of high expenses? If yes, then the share of cost option in Medi-Cal may be the solution you are looking for! To avail of this option, one must meet specific qualifications.

The qualifications for the share-of-cost option are based on several factors, including income, family size, and medical expenses. To be eligible, individuals must have a monthly income below a specific limit, which varies based on family size. Additionally, individuals must have medical expenses exceeding their monthly cost share. Here are some key points to note about the qualifications for the share-of-cost option:

  • Providing Essential Healthcare Coverage to Californians: The share-of-cost option in Medi-Cal is an essential program designed to provide healthcare coverage to millions of Californians who would otherwise be unable to afford medical care. This program is designed for individuals or families with an income above the limit to qualify for regular Medi-Cal coverage but still need help paying for their healthcare expenses. These individuals or families may face financial challenges in accessing medical care and may be at risk of incurring significant medical debt without the support of this program. The share-of-cost option helps to reduce the financial burden of healthcare costs for these individuals and families, enabling them to access the healthcare services they need to maintain their health and well-being. By providing affordable healthcare coverage to Californians, the share of cost option helps ensure everyone has access to quality medical care, regardless of their income level.
  • Eligibility Criteria for Program: The program considers the number of people living in the household and their combined gross income to determine the monthly income limit. It is important to note that exceeding this limit can result in disqualification from the program, so applicants must ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements before applying.
  •  Factors that Determine Eligibility in Share-of-Cost Programs: It is essential to understand that your eligibility for the share-of-cost program you are enrolled in is determined by certain factors, including the medical expenses you incur. You must pay a predetermined monthly share of cost towards your medical expenses before the program starts covering the remaining costs. However, if your medical expenses exceed this amount, it becomes a crucial factor in determining your eligibility for the program. In other words, the higher your medical expenses, the more likely you will be eligible for the program. Recording your healthcare expenses and verifying that they fall under your monthly cost-sharing limit is essential. Failing to do so may impact your qualification for the program.
  • Share of Cost Medical Expenses: The share of cost is a program that helps low-income individuals with their medical expenses. The share of cost amount is calculated based on a formula that considers the individual’s income, family size, and medical expenses. The formula calculates the difference between the individual’s income and a predetermined amount called the share of cost limit. The state sets the share of cost limit and varies based on family size. Once the difference between the individual’s income and the share of cost limit is calculated, the result is divided by three. The resulting amount is the individual’s share of cost. 
  • For Example: Let’s say that an individual has a share of cost limit of $1,000, an income of $1,500 per month, and $200 in medical expenses. The formula for calculating the share of cost would look like this: ($1,500 – $1,000) / 3 = $166.67 In this example, the individual’s share of cost would be $166.67. This means the individual must pay $166.67 for their medical expenses before their Medicaid benefits kick in. 
  •  Share of Cost for Medi-Cal Coverage: The share of cost is an amount that an individual must pay before Medi-Cal coverage starts, and it is different from co-payments or premiums. Unlike co-payments, which are fixed amounts paid at the time of the medical service, the share of cost is an amount you must pay out-of-pocket before Medi-Cal begins covering your healthcare expenses. This cost-sharing arrangement is designed to help reduce the overall cost of healthcare while also ensuring that individuals take responsibility for their healthcare expenses. 

Understanding that the share of cost option can make a significant difference in managing medical expenses and accessing affordable healthcare is essential. By meeting the qualifications and availing of this program, individuals can avoid unexpected costs and make informed healthcare decisions.

Advocacy Efforts to Protect the Share of Cost Option in Medi-Cal: Why Low-Income Californians Must Have Access to Affordable Healthcare

Advocacy efforts to protect the share of cost options in Medi-Cal have become increasingly important in recent years. As a crucial program that serves millions of Californians, the share of cost option ensures that beneficiaries contribute to the cost of their healthcare while still providing affordable coverage. However, the program has come under threat due to proposed changes that could make it harder for low-income Californians to access the care they need.

Advocates have been working hard to protect the share of cost options by creating awareness about its benefits and emphasizing its significance as a critical component of California’s healthcare system. These efforts have included lobbying lawmakers, organizing rallies and demonstrations, and working with community organizations to educate Californians about the program and its benefits.

One of the critical challenges facing advocates is the need to explain the complex eligibility requirements and calculation methods used by the program. Many Californians are unaware of how the share of cost option works, which can make it challenging to build support for protecting it. Advocates have responded by developing educational materials, hosting workshops and webinars, and providing one-on-one assistance to help people understand the program and their eligibility for it.

Another challenge facing advocates is the need to counter misinformation and misunderstandings about the program. Some opponents of the share-of-cost option argue that it is unfair or unnecessary despite evidence to the contrary. Advocates have highlighted the program’s success in providing affordable healthcare to millions of Californians and emphasizing the need to maintain it as a critical component of the state’s healthcare system.

Overall, advocacy efforts to protect the share of cost option in Medi-Cal are essential for ensuring that low-income Californians have access to the care they need. By raising awareness of the program and its benefits, educating Californians about their eligibility, and countering misinformation and misunderstandings, advocates can help to ensure that the program continues to serve as a vital resource for millions of people across the state.

Posted on Monday, Mar. 25th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Share of Cost – Medi-Cal

Share of Cost – Dental Insurance Plus Orthodontics

Friday, Mar. 22nd 2024 3:00 PM

At, we understand the importance of having access to quality orthodontic care and insurance coverage that meets your needs. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complex world of dental insurance and find the right plan for your specific needs. If you need any assistance with your insurance needs or have any queries, please call us on weekdays between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM at 310-534-3444. We are always here to help you out.

Importance of Reviewing Orthodontic Coverage in Dental Insurance Plans

Are you in the market for dental insurance plans that offer coverage for orthodontic services? If so, it’s essential to understand the importance of carefully reviewing the terms and conditions of each plan to ensure that you get the coverage you need.

Many dental insurance plans offer some benefits for orthodontics, but the specific details of that coverage can vary significantly from plan to plan. That’s why it’s crucial to take the time to review the policy’s terms and conditions to understand the extent of coverage provided.

By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best value for your money and avoid any surprises or unexpected costs down the line. After all, dental treatments can be expensive, and orthodontic services are no exception.

Furthermore, understanding the exact details of your orthodontic coverage can help you decide which dental insurance plan is right for you. Some plans may have age restrictions or maximum limitations on the coverage provided per year or over the policy’s lifetime.

By reviewing the details of the orthodontic coverage, you can ensure that you choose a plan that meets your specific needs and budget. You’ll also be able to identify any out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for, allowing you to plan and budget accordingly.

Reviewing the terms and conditions of dental insurance plans offering orthodontic services coverage is crucial to ensure you get the coverage you need to maintain good oral health. So take the time to review the details of each plan carefully, and make an informed decision that works best for you! 

Variations in Coverage Details From Plan to Plan

Dental insurance plans that offer coverage for orthodontic services can be a lifesaver for those who need orthodontic treatment. However, it’s important to note that not all dental insurance plans provide the same coverage for orthodontic services. There can be significant variations in coverage details from plan to plan, making it essential to review the terms and conditions of each policy carefully.

By taking the time to explore each plan’s specifics, you can better understand the extent of coverage provided. Some plans may only offer coverage for specific orthodontic procedures or may have age restrictions. Other plans may have maximum limitations on the coverage supplied per year or over the policy’s lifetime.

Reviewing these details to ensure you get the coverage you need while avoiding any unexpected costs down the line is crucial. Dental treatments can be expensive, and orthodontic services are no exception. By understanding the specifics of your coverage, you can plan and budget accordingly.

Moreover, understanding the variations in coverage details from plan to plan can help you decide which dental insurance plan is right for you. You can identify any out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for and choose a plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

Variations in coverage details from plan to plan can significantly impact the extent of coverage provided for orthodontic services. By exploring and reviewing the terms and conditions of each plan, you can ensure that you get the coverage you need to maintain good oral health. So don’t hesitate to take the time to carefully review each policy and make an informed decision that works best for you.

Navigating Orthodontic Restrictions in Dental Insurance Plans

  • Age Limitations: Dental insurance plans often come with restrictions on orthodontic services, such as limitations on individuals over the age of 19. Age limitation can be a significant hurdle for adults who require orthodontic treatment but cannot afford it without insurance coverage. Age limitations are just one example of the restrictions that can be found in some dental insurance plans. It is essential for individuals to carefully review their insurance policies and understand any limitations or restrictions that may apply to orthodontic services. 
  • Maximum Limitations: When it comes to dental insurance plans offering coverage for orthodontic services, it’s essential to be aware of the maximum limitations on coverage provided per year or over the policy’s lifetime. These limitations may seem like minor details, but they can significantly impact your out-of-pocket costs and overall satisfaction with the plan. Understanding the maximum limitations allows you to plan and budget accordingly and avoid unexpected expenses. Moreover, it’s worth noting that some dental insurance plans have higher maximum limitations than others, which can significantly impact the extent of coverage provided for orthodontic services. Therefore, exploring and comparing different plans is crucial to finding the one that meets your needs and budget. Don’t let maximum limitations catch you off guard – take the time to review your policy carefully and make an informed decision. 
  • Deductibles: Dental insurance deductibles can be a tricky subject, especially when it comes to orthodontic services. These services are often subject to a separate deductible, making it difficult to understand your out-of-pocket costs. That’s why confirming the deductible for orthodontic care with your insurance provider is vital before beginning any treatment. By understanding your deductible, you can better plan for the financial aspects of your orthodontic treatment and avoid any unexpected expenses. Exploring your insurance policy and asking questions can help you make informed decisions about your dental health and ensure that you are receiving the care you need at a price you can afford.

The Importance of Reading the Terms, Conditions, and Exclusions of Dental Insurance Plans

If you’re in the market for dental insurance plans, it’s essential to carefully read the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions. Not doing so can have negative consequences that can impact your health and finances.

Let me tell you a story about Sarah. Sarah was excited to get dental insurance and quickly signed up for the first plan she found. She didn’t take the time to read the policy’s terms and conditions, assuming that all dental insurance plans were created equal. A few months later, Sarah started experiencing severe tooth pain and went to see her dentist. To her surprise, her insurance plan did not cover the dental procedure she needed due to an exclusion she was unaware of. Sarah was left with a huge bill that she couldn’t afford to pay, and her oral health suffered as a result.

This story highlights the importance of carefully reading dental insurance plans’ terms, conditions, and exclusions. Dental insurance plans can differ significantly in what they cover and exclude, and not understanding these details can have negative consequences that can impact your health and finances.

By reading the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions, you can better understand what is covered and what is not. This knowledge can help you plan and budget for any out-of-pocket expenses you may be responsible for, avoiding any unexpected costs.

Furthermore, understanding the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions can help you choose a plan that meets your needs and budget. You can compare different plans, identify any restrictions or limitations that may not work, and select a plan that provides the necessary coverage.

Reading the terms, conditions, and exclusions of dental insurance plans is crucial to ensure you get the coverage you need to maintain good oral health and avoid unexpected costs. Don’t make the same mistake as Sarah did. Take the time to review the policy’s details carefully and make an informed decision that works best for you.

Importance of Calling Member Services Before Buying Dental Insurance Plans: Exploring Coverage, Limitations, and Out-of-Pocket Costs

It is essential to call member services before you buy a plan if you need any terms, conditions, exclusions, limitations, or overall benefits explained to you for better understanding. Dental insurance plans can vary significantly regarding coverage, restrictions, and out-of-pocket costs. 

The first benefit of calling member services is that you can explore the extent of coverage provided by each plan they offer. Understanding what procedures are covered and to what extent can help you avoid unexpected expenses. For example, if you need orthodontic treatment, not all dental insurance plans cover it. By calling member services, you can ensure that you choose a plan that meets your specific needs.

Secondly, calling member services can help you explore any limitations or restrictions that may apply to your dental insurance plan. For instance, some plans may have age restrictions or maximum limitations on the coverage provided per year or over the policy’s lifetime. These restrictions can significantly impact your out-of-pocket costs and overall satisfaction with the plan. Understanding these limitations allows you to plan and budget accordingly and avoid unexpected expenses.

Finally, calling member services can help you explore the out-of-pocket costs associated with each plan. Dental treatments can be expensive, and even with insurance coverage, there may be some out-of-pocket costs. Knowing these costs in advance can help you plan and budget accordingly.

The Importance of Dental Insurance Plans in Promoting Oral Health and Affordability

Dental insurance plans promote and maintain good oral health by providing access to affordable dental care when needed. The ultimate aim of dental insurance plans is to ensure that individuals can care for their teeth and gums without worrying about the high costs associated with dental treatments. 

By having dental insurance, individuals can receive regular check-ups and cleanings, essential for keeping their teeth and gums healthy. These preventive measures can help catch dental problems early before they become more severe and expensive. Dental insurance plans can also cover restorative treatments, such as fillings, root canals, and crowns, necessary for repairing damaged or decayed teeth. 

In addition to promoting good oral health, dental insurance plans can make dental care more affordable overall. With dental insurance, the cost of treatment can be relatively inexpensive, making it easier for individuals to access the care they need. Dental insurance plans can help to alleviate these costs, making dental care more accessible to individuals of all income levels. 

In conclusion, dental insurance plans are essential in promoting good oral health and making dental care more affordable. By providing access to preventive and restorative treatments, dental insurance helps individuals maintain their dental health and prevent more serious problems from arising. So, if you want to take care of your teeth and gums, it’s essential to consider getting dental insurance.

Should You Purchase an Individual Dental Insurance Plan If You Have Medi-Cal Benefits in California?

Are you among the many Californians who receive Medi-Cal benefits and already have a dentist? If so, you may wonder why you need to purchase an individual dental insurance plan. After all, you’re already covered. Right? While it’s true that Medi-Cal provides some dental benefits, there are several reasons why purchasing an individual dental insurance plan may still be beneficial.

First and foremost, Medi-Cal dental benefits are limited. While the plan does cover some basic dental services, such as cleanings and fillings, other services, such as orthodontic treatment and cosmetic procedures, are not covered. If you or a family member needs these services, you’ll have to pay for them out of pocket. This is where an individual dental insurance plan can come in handy. By purchasing a plan covering the specific services you need, you can avoid unexpected expenses and ensure you receive the care you need to maintain good oral health.

Another reason to consider purchasing an individual dental insurance plan is that it can give you greater flexibility and choice regarding dental providers. While Medi-Cal does have a network of dental providers, your options may be limited depending on where you live and the availability of providers in your area. By purchasing an individual dental insurance plan, you can choose from a broader range of providers, including those who specialize in the services you need.

Furthermore, an individual dental insurance plan can offer additional benefits that Medi-Cal does not provide. For example, some plans offer coverage for cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening, that Medi-Cal does not cover. Other plans may offer discounts on services not covered by Medi-Cal, such as orthodontic treatment.

In addition to the benefits outlined above, purchasing an individual dental insurance plan can help you save money in the long run. While you will have to pay a monthly premium for the plan, this cost can be offset by the savings you’ll receive on dental services. Dental care can be expensive without insurance, especially if you require specialized services. With insurance coverage, you can avoid paying the total cost of these services out of pocket.

In summary, while Medi-Cal does provide some dental benefits, purchasing an individual dental insurance plan can still be beneficial. By providing coverage for services not covered by Medi-Cal, offering greater flexibility and choice for dental providers, and providing additional benefits and savings, an individual dental insurance plan can help you maintain good oral health and save money in the long run.

Find the Perfect Dental Insurance Plan with – Expert Guidance and Affordable Coverage

At, we understand that navigating the world of dental insurance can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of finding the right individual dental insurance plan for your needs and budget. We work with top insurance providers to ensure you get the best coverage at the most affordable price. 

Don’t let dental expenses hold you back. Contact today at 310-534-3444 to learn how we can help you find the perfect dental insurance plan.

Posted on Friday, Mar. 22nd 2024 3:00 PM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost – Dental Insurance Plus Orthodontics

Share of Cost: Medical Expense Vs. Allowable Medical Deduction

Monday, Mar. 18th 2024 10:00 AM

Question: Is a medical expense the same as an allowable medical deduction? 

Answer:  If you want to manage your healthcare costs effectively, you’ve come to the right place. At, we provide valuable information and resources to help you understand the difference between medical expenses and allowable medical deductions. 

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 310-534-3444. Our experienced professionals can assist you over the phone from Monday to Friday between 8 AM and 4 PM. We understand that the share of costs can be overwhelming, and we are committed to helping you navigate them quickly and confidently. So, feel free to call us, and we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can.

Understanding the difference between medical expenses and allowable medical deductions is crucial. 

In today’s world, healthcare costs are rising rapidly, and medical expenses can quickly become a financial burden for individuals and families. It is essential to have a clear understanding of medical expenses and allowable medical deductions to ensure that you are taking advantage of all available options to manage your healthcare costs effectively. In this context, this article will explore the importance of understanding the difference between medical expenses and allowable medical deductions and how it can benefit you in the long run. Let’s dive in to learn why it is essential to understand the difference between medical expenses and allowable medical deductions.

Medical Expense

Are you familiar with the term medical expense regarding Medi-Cal’s share of cost? If not, let’s explore and explain it in detail. Medical expense refers to the cost of medical services, supplies, and equipment necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition. In the context of Medi-Cal, a medical expense is an expense that is not covered by the program and must be paid for by the beneficiary.

Now, let’s discuss the importance of understanding medical expenses and Medi-Cal’s share of costs. The share of cost is the amount a beneficiary must pay before Medi-Cal will begin to pay for their medical expenses. Therefore, knowing what expenses count towards the share of cost and what expenses do not is crucial. 

For example, if you have a share of cost of $500 and you visit a doctor who charges $100 for a visit, that $100 will count towards your share of the cost. However, if you purchase over-the-counter medication your doctor does not prescribe, that expense will not count towards your share of cost.

In summary, understanding the definition of medical expense regarding Medi-Cal’s share of cost is essential for effectively managing your healthcare expenses. Knowing what expenses count towards your share of cost and what expenses do not will help you better plan and budget for your healthcare needs. So, be sure to familiarize yourself with the definition of medical expense and how it applies to your Medi-Cal coverage.

Purpose of Medical Expense

Medical expenses refer to the cost of medical services, supplies, and equipment necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition. These expenses can quickly become a financial burden for individuals and families, especially those with limited income. This is where Medi-Cal comes in to help.

Medi-Cal is a program that provides healthcare coverage for low-income individuals and families in California. However, beneficiaries must pay a share of their medical expenses before Medi-Cal begins to pay. This is where understanding the purpose of medical expenses becomes crucial.

The purpose of medical expenses in the context of Medi-Cal’s share of cost is to ensure that beneficiaries are responsible for a portion of their healthcare costs. This helps to reduce the program’s overall cost and ensure that beneficiaries are not overusing medical services.

Understanding the purpose of medical expenses in the context of Medi-Cal’s share of cost can help you better plan and budget for your healthcare needs. It can also help you avoid unexpected medical bills that can quickly become a financial burden.

In conclusion, the purpose of medical expenses in the context of Medi-Cal’s share of cost is to ensure that beneficiaries are responsible for a portion of their healthcare costs. The share of cost helps to reduce the program’s overall cost and ensure that beneficiaries are not overusing medical services.  

Understanding Medi-Cal Share of Cost: How Medical Expenses Can Help You Meet Your Healthcare Needs.

Medical expenses can quickly become a financial burden for individuals and families, especially those with limited income. Did you know you can use medical expenses to meet your Medi-Cal Share of Cost? 

Let’s explore using medical expenses to meet your Medi-Cal Share of Cost. When you have a Share of Cost, you must pay a certain amount of your medical expenses before Medi-Cal starts paying. Medical expenses that count towards your Share of Cost include services, supplies, and equipment necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition. For example, if you have a Share of Cost of $500 and you visit a doctor who charges $100 for a visit, that $100 will count towards your Share of Cost. 

It’s essential to note that not all medical expenses count towards your Share of Cost. Expenses that do not count towards your Share of Cost include over-the-counter medication that your doctor does not prescribe. Additionally, expenses that exceed the Medi-Cal allowable rate will not count towards your Share of Cost. 

So, who can incur medical expenses to meet their Share of Cost? Anyone eligible for Medi-Cal and with a Share of Cost can incur medical expenses to meet their Share of Cost. This includes low-income individuals and families who qualify for Medi-Cal based on income and other eligibility criteria. 

Let’s illustrate how you can use medical expenses to meet your Share of Cost. Suppose you require a specialist visit that costs $300, and you have a Share of Cost of $500. You would be responsible for paying the full $300 to the specialist, which would count towards your Share of Cost. Once you have met your Share of Cost, Medi-Cal will begin to pay for your medical expenses, subject to any co-payments or limitations that may apply. 

You can use medical expenses to meet your Share of Cost, and anyone eligible for Medi-Cal and has a Share of Cost can incur medical expenses. Understanding how medical expenses can be used to meet your Share of Cost can help you better plan and budget for your healthcare needs. So, keep track of your medical costs and consult your healthcare provider or Medi-Cal representative about what expenses count towards your Share of Cost.

Using Old Unpaid Medical Bills

If meeting your Share of Cost under Medi-Cal is a struggle, you may feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, there’s a solution that you may have yet to consider: using old unpaid medical bills to meet your Share of Cost.

Under certain circumstances, old unpaid medical bills can meet your past, current, or future month’s Share of Cost under Medi-Cal. This can be a lifesaver for individuals and families struggling to make ends meet and needing extra help to cover their healthcare costs.

To understand how it works, you must first know that you cannot use all unpaid medical bills to meet your Share of Cost. You can use only the bills you have incurred within the last three months that meet Medi-Cal’s definition of a medical expense.

The bill for services, supplies, or equipment necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition must meet Medi-Cal’s medical expense definition. Medical expenses include doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, and more.

Once you have an unpaid medical bill that meets these criteria, you can submit it to Medi-Cal to be applied toward your Share of Cost. This can help you meet your Share of Cost for the current month or even for past months where you may have fallen behind.

Reducing your healthcare expenses and making it easier to manage your budget is possible by using old unpaid medical bills to meet your Share of Cost. It can benefit individuals and families living on a tight budget and needing extra help to make ends meet.

If you’re struggling to meet your Share of Cost under Medi-Cal, don’t despair. You may be able to use old unpaid medical bills to meet your past, current, or future month’s Share of Cost. By doing so, you can reduce your healthcare expenses and make it easier to manage your budget. So, if you have an unpaid medical bill that meets Medi-Cal’s definition of a medical expense, don’t hesitate to submit it to Medi-Cal and see if it can be applied toward your Share of Cost.

Understanding Allowable Deductions in Medi-Cal: A Crucial Step for Effective Healthcare Expense Management

If you are a beneficiary of Medi-Cal, understanding the definition of allowable deduction is crucial for managing your healthcare expenses effectively. Allowable deductions refer to expenses you can deduct from your income when calculating your Medi-Cal share of cost. In other words, it is the amount of medical expenses that Medi-Cal will consider when calculating your share of cost. 

Understanding the definition of allowable deduction is essential because it can help you reduce your share of cost and save money on healthcare expenses. For instance, if you have a share of cost of $500 and incurred medical expenses of $1,000, you can deduct $500 from your medical expenses, which means your share of cost will be zero. 

It’s important to note that not all medical expenses are allowable deductions. Only expenses necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition are permissible deductions. For example, if you purchase a cosmetic procedure that is not medically necessary, that expense will not be an allowable deduction. Similarly, expenses that exceed the Medi-Cal allowable rate will not be allowable deductions.

One of the benefits of understanding the definition of allowable deduction is that it can help you plan and budget for your healthcare expenses effectively. By knowing what expenses count towards your share of cost and what expenses do not, you can make informed decisions about your healthcare needs and avoid unexpected medical bills that can quickly become a financial burden.

Understanding the definition of allowable deduction is crucial for effectively managing your healthcare expenses as a Medi-Cal beneficiary. Allowable deductions refer to expenses you can deduct from your income when calculating your share of cost. Only expenses necessary for diagnosing or treating a medical condition are permissible deductions. By knowing what expenses count towards your share of cost and what expenses do not, you can plan and budget for your healthcare needs effectively and avoid unexpected medical bills. So, please familiarize yourself with the definition of allowable deduction and how it applies to your Medi-Cal coverage.

Reduce Your Net Countable Income and Lower or Eliminate your Medi-Cal Share of Cost.

Are you a Medi-Cal beneficiary struggling to pay for your healthcare expenses? If so, consider taking advantage of allowable deductions to reduce your net countable income and lower your Medi-Cal share of cost. Allowable deductions refer to expenses that can be subtracted from your income to reduce your countable income.

One way to take advantage of allowable deductions is by purchasing supplemental dental and vision insurance. These insurance plans can reduce your net countable income by allowing you to deduct the premiums you pay from your income. This means that the cost of your insurance premiums can count towards your Medi-Cal spend down, reducing or eliminating the amount you need to pay on your share of cost for your healthcare expenses.

Let’s assume you have a Medi-Cal share of cost of $500 because your countable income exceeds the limit set by Medi-Cal to have a zero share of cost of $195. However, if you opt for supplemental dental and vision insurance costing $100 monthly, deducting this expense can reduce your net countable income. Now, you purchase dental and vision insurance that costs $200 monthly, putting you under the countable income limit set by Medi-Cal, thus eliminating your share of cost. By deducting the cost of your insurance premiums from your income, you can save money on both your insurance and healthcare expenses.

In addition to reducing your Medi-Cal share of cost, supplemental dental and vision insurance can also provide essential health benefits. These plans typically cover routine dental cleanings, fillings, and eye exams. By taking advantage of these benefits, you can ensure that you maintain good oral and vision health while saving money on your healthcare expenses.

Purchasing supplemental dental and vision insurance can be an excellent strategy if you are a Medi-Cal beneficiary struggling to pay for your healthcare expenses. By deducting the cost of your insurance premiums from your income, you can lower your Medi-Cal share of cost and reduce the amount you need to pay out of pocket for your healthcare expenses. So, if you haven’t already, consider exploring your supplemental dental and vision insurance options today!

Affordable and Comprehensive Dental and Vision Insurance Plans at

Dental and vision insurance plans are crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. At, we understand the importance of having access to affordable and comprehensive dental and vision insurance plans. That’s why we offer a wide range of dental and vision insurance plans that cater to your unique needs.

Our dental insurance plans cover a variety of services, including routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, extractions, and more. With our dental insurance plans, you can rest assured that your dental health needs are covered, and you won’t have to worry about the high dental care costs.

In addition to dental insurance, we also offer vision insurance plans that cover routine eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses. Our vision insurance plans are designed to help you maintain good eye health and ensure access to affordable vision care when you need it the most.

One of the main benefits of our dental and vision insurance plans is that they are affordable. We understand that dental and vision care can be expensive, and that’s why we offer insurance plans that are budget-friendly. Our plans are designed to fit your unique needs, budget, and share of cost spend down, so you can choose the plan that works best for you.

Another benefit of our dental and vision insurance plans is that they are comprehensive. Our plans cover a wide range of services, so you can rest assured that your dental and vision care needs are covered whether you need a routine check-up or require more extensive dental or vision care.

At, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service. Our experienced professionals are here to help you every step of the way. We can assist you in selecting the right dental and vision insurance plan that meets your unique needs. We can also help you understand the coverage options available so you can make informed decisions about your health care.

In conclusion, dental and vision insurance plans are essential for overall health and well-being. offers a wide range of affordable and comprehensive dental and vision insurance plans that cater to your unique needs. If you need more information on this topic or have any other cost-related questions, please visit our website, Alternatively, you can give us a call at 310-534-3444. We’re always here to help.

Posted on Monday, Mar. 18th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Share of Cost: Medical Expense Vs. Allowable Medical Deduction

Link Between Childhood Trauma And Higher Rates Of Mental Health Problems

Tuesday, Dec. 13th 2011 6:40 AM

New research has shown that children’s risk for learning and behavior problems and obesity rises in correlation to their level of trauma exposure, says the psychiatrist at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital who oversaw the study.

Posted on Tuesday, Dec. 13th 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Link Between Childhood Trauma And Higher Rates Of Mental Health Problems

Rewarding Objects Cannot Be Ignored

Sunday, Dec. 11th 2011 6:40 AM

The world is a dazzling array of people, objects, sounds, smells and events: far too much for us to fully experience at any moment. So our attention may automatically be snagged by something startling, such as a slamming door, or we may deliberately focus on something that is important to us right then, such as locating our child among the happily screaming hordes on the school playground.

Posted on Sunday, Dec. 11th 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Rewarding Objects Cannot Be Ignored

Association Discovered Between Childhood ADHD And Substance Abuse Risk

Friday, Dec. 9th 2011 6:40 AM

Analysis of data from two long-term studies of the impact of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on the development of psychiatric disorders in young adults confirms that ADHD alone significantly increases the risk of cigarette smoking and substance abuse in both boys and girls.

Posted on Friday, Dec. 9th 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Association Discovered Between Childhood ADHD And Substance Abuse Risk

European Survey Show Significant Impact Of ADHD At School And Home, Yet Parents Wait Over Two Years For An ADHD Diagnosis

Wednesday, Dec. 7th 2011 6:40 AM

Shire plc (LSE: SHP, NASDAQ: SHPGY), the global specialty biopharmaceutical company, today announced the results of a new European survey that found children with ADHD have statistically significant impairments in all aspects of life investigated vs. children without ADHD. Yet, parents take an average of 26.8 months to achieve a diagnosis for their child.

Posted on Wednesday, Dec. 7th 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on European Survey Show Significant Impact Of ADHD At School And Home, Yet Parents Wait Over Two Years For An ADHD Diagnosis

Climate Information Crucial To Help Reduce Risk And Limit Disaster Damage

Monday, Dec. 5th 2011 6:40 AM

Forecasts can play an invaluable role when used properly in helping humanitarian agencies and governments plan for and prevent disasters, according to a new report launched today at the American Red Cross Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Posted on Monday, Dec. 5th 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Climate Information Crucial To Help Reduce Risk And Limit Disaster Damage

CFO Optimism Drops Amid Sovereign Debt Crisis In Europe, High Oil Prices And Japan Disaster – Duke Global Survey Of CFO Reveals

Saturday, Dec. 3rd 2011 6:40 AM

Findings of the most recent Duke University/CFO Magazine Global Business Outlook Survey suggest that optimism among chief financial officers (CFO) in the U.S. has declined amid pressures from sovereign debt crisis in Europe, high oil prices and the economic effects of the Japanese disaster.

Posted on Saturday, Dec. 3rd 2011 6:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on CFO Optimism Drops Amid Sovereign Debt Crisis In Europe, High Oil Prices And Japan Disaster – Duke Global Survey Of CFO Reveals