Coffee and Doughnuts May Taste Good But They Are A Disastrous Combo for Your Teeth?

Tuesday, Nov. 5th 2013 12:47 PM

We all have those morning when we are running to late to work and whatever the reason we skip breakfast and now we are out looking for something quick and easy, so picking up a doughnut and cup of Joe may sounds good.  However this common quick fix for morning breakfast if done too often can land you in the dental chair.

The Academy of General Dentistry has reported findings that show the sugars in oatmeal cookies amount to only one-fifth of the sugars in plain doughnuts, and that the sugars in doughnuts have been identified as a risk factor for gum inflammation and cavities.  In addition the amount of sugar and cream you put in your coffee can also have a direct effect on the amount of cavity-causing bacteria.

Posted on Tuesday, Nov. 5th 2013 12:47 PM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Coffee and Doughnuts May Taste Good But They Are A Disastrous Combo for Your Teeth?