Archive for March, 2017

Share of Cost, What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Friday, Mar. 31st 2017 6:00 AM

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as stress cardiomyopathy, apical ballooning, or broken heart syndrome, is a temporary heart condition. It has the same symptoms as a heart attack but is not caused by any underlying cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, and sudden loss of consciousness.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy most often affects women between the ages of 61-76. The condition commonly occurs immediately after experiencing extreme emotional or physical stress.

Research suggests that the sudden release of stress hormones temporarily “stuns” and weakens the heart. This stunning leads to inadequate circulation of blood throughout the body.

Posted on Friday, Mar. 31st 2017 6:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Preventive Dental Care and Acid

Wednesday, Mar. 29th 2017 6:19 AM

Part of having good preventive dental care habits is cutting down on carbonated beverages, fruit juice and acidic foods can harm teeth. Acid in our food can cause enamel to wear away. When that happens your teeth are at a higher risk for tooth decay

Posted on Wednesday, Mar. 29th 2017 6:19 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Composite Fillings

Monday, Mar. 27th 2017 6:17 AM

Composite fillings are usually more expensive than traditional amalgam fillings because they require a more sophisticated process, more expensive materials and additional office equipment. Composite materials offer an esthetic alternative to traditional amalgam materials. Composites are more likely to be used on more-visible front teeth. Composites bond to the tooth to support the remaining tooth to help prevent breakage.

Composite insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes. Composites (white fillings) last about 8 years with a range of 7-10 years. Composite fillings restore the natural appearance of the tooth. Composites require less removal of tooth structure. Composite fillings, if they are done correctly, take about 60% longer, require special expertise and expensive materials, and are more difficult to place, and so they cost considerably more than silver.

Composite requires the use of special bonding technology that many dentists are uncomfortable with. Composite resin dental fillings were created as an alternative to traditional metal dental fillings. Composites are not only used for restoring decay, but are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth. Composite resin fillings are strong, durable, and make for a very natural looking smile.

Composite fillings are usually more expensive than traditional amalgam fillings because they require a more sophisticated process, more expensive materials and additional office equipment. As such, people who have previously received amalgam fillings often return to their dentist to have them replaced with composite fillings.

Posted on Monday, Mar. 27th 2017 6:17 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, ‘Grand vision’ to regulate allergies in food

Saturday, Mar. 25th 2017 8:00 AM

A new review of allergen analysis aims to improve the situation for those living with food allergies — preventing food fraud and protecting consumers. Food allergies are a rapidly growing problem in the developed world, affecting up to 10% of children and 2-3% of adults, yet allergens remain challenging to analyze accurately, making it difficult to legislate and manage risk.

Posted on Saturday, Mar. 25th 2017 8:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Preventive Dental Care and Acid  

Thursday, Mar. 23rd 2017 6:12 AM

Part of having good preventive dental care habits is cutting down on carbonated beverages, fruit juice and acidic foods can harm teeth. Acid in our food can cause enamel to wear away. When that happens your teeth are at a higher risk for tooth decay

Posted on Thursday, Mar. 23rd 2017 6:12 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Do Dental Insurance Plans Require You to Wait

Tuesday, Mar. 21st 2017 8:11 AM

Many dental insurance plans require you to wait for your treatments to have certain procedures such as root canals and braces completed.  Discount dental plans are dental insurance alternatives that offer attractive dental care savings.  With the extremely high cost associated with most dental procedures outside of normal cleanings and x-rays, you may also find it beneficial to purchase additional dental insurance to supplement the coverage you already have.

Although they are becoming increasingly rare, indemnity dental insurance plans are also still available and provide the freedom to choose the dentist of your choice at a higher out-of-pocket expense.  Most individual dental insurance plans tend to emphasize preventive dental care, because it lowers costs in the long-run caused by poor dental hygiene and lack of regular check-ups and cleanings.

Our dental web site is very clear if you are selecting a dental insurance plan or a dental discount plan.  We understand that there are many dental plan web sites popping-up all over the internet, claiming to offer “dental insurance” when in fact they do not and are not licensed to offer a dental insurance plan.  Our entire staff is licensed to offer, sell and service dental insurance.  With our dental insurance plans for you and your family, we can help make it easier to keep your smile healthy.

Posted on Tuesday, Mar. 21st 2017 8:11 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Friends better than morphine: Larger social networks release more pain-killing endorphin

Friday, Mar. 17th 2017 6:00 AM

Oxford University researchers have found,  people with more friends have higher pain tolerance, researchers have found, in a study looking at social networks and endorphin levels.

Posted on Friday, Mar. 17th 2017 6:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How can your dentist tell if you have acid reflux.

Wednesday, Mar. 15th 2017 6:04 AM

Acid reflux, is caused when the esophageal sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus, allows acid to seep out of the stomach. Often times this acid can cause heartburn, but not always. In the absence of heartburn symptoms, one of the first indication that a person may have acid reflux is by the erosion of the enamel on their molars or on the backside of their teeth.

Since your stomach acid can eat away at the enamel on your teeth, your dentist may be the first one to notice the symptoms of acid reflux when he or she detects tooth enamel loss. If detected, your dentist may refer you to a specialist, who may prescribe treatment or recommend lifestyle changes specifically for the treatment of acid reflux, such as avoiding acidic foods.

Posted on Wednesday, Mar. 15th 2017 6:04 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, What Are Dental Fillings

Monday, Mar. 13th 2017 6:01 AM

Are Filling Necessary

Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding ). Materials that may be used in dental fillings include dental amalgam, composite resin, glass ionomers, gold, and ceramic.

Filling of teeth with cavities are also called tooth restorations. Fillings should be replaced only if the restoration is defective or worn. Materials that may be used in dental fillings include dental amalgam, composite resin, glass ionomers, gold, and ceramic. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse. Fillings have a finite lifespan: an average of 12.

Fillings are recommended for small to medium sized restorations.  Filling of teeth with cavities are also called tooth restorations.  Fillings also can leak as a result of wear over time. Fillings need to be maintained like normal teeth by brushing twice daily for at least two minutes at a time using fluoride-containing toothpaste.

Fillings also can leak as a result of wear over time.  Fillings made with amalgam also are known as silver fillings.  Fillings are made to last as long as possible, but they still only last for so long.  Fillings, however, are prone to failure, often need replacing, look ugly and can be painful to install.

Composite fillings are usually more expensive than traditional amalgam fillings because they require a more sophisticated process, more expensive materials and additional office equipment.  As such, people who have previously received amalgam fillings often return to their dentist to have them replaced with composite fillings.

Tooth sensitivity, pain and allergic reactions to silver (amalgam) fillings from a metal allergy are common complications.  The advent of new materials for fillings has been beneficial, especially in terms of aesthetics, but does not eliminate the appropriateness of traditional dental materials that are stronger, more durable and less expensive.

Many dentists consider amalgam stronger than the resin-based composite, and therefore use amalgam for back teeth fillings.  Gold fillings are well tolerated by sensitive patients and are resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and wear and tear but are among the most expensive filling materials.

Posted on Monday, Mar. 13th 2017 6:01 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Recent cancer diagnosis associated with increased risk of mental health disorders

Saturday, Mar. 11th 2017 8:05 AM

A recent cancer diagnosis was associated with increased risk for some mental health disorders and increased use of psychiatric medications, according to a new study published online by JAMA Oncology that used data from Swedish population and health registers.

Posted on Saturday, Mar. 11th 2017 8:05 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Dental Health Insurance Options

Thursday, Mar. 9th 2017 7:04 AM

 Shop And Save By Buying Online

The first company to enable individuals to both comparison-shop and apply for dental health insurance and discount protection directly via the Internet. is a provider of free quotes and advice for buying dental health insurance and discount plans that provide group, family and individual coverage.  There also are other dental health insurance key terms, such as predetermination of costs and annual benefits limitations.

A direct reimbursement dental health insurance plan reimburses participants on the amount they spend on any dental service rather than covering the type of service performed.  In dental health insurance, usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) is used to determine how much of the cost of a dental service an insurance company will agree to pay.

I recommend you consider reviewing the insurance company’s dental health insurance plans as recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) which has a brief, but informative, description of usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) in regard to dental health insurance.  It’s just one easy step to get your dental heath insurance quote.  Please put your zip code to get your instant dental health insurance quote, and let do the work for you.

Posted on Thursday, Mar. 9th 2017 7:04 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Study suggest, PTSD could be prevented with gut microbes

Tuesday, Mar. 7th 2017 5:40 AM

A team working in the field of warfighter performance suggests gut microbes may hold the key to curing or preventing post-traumatic stress disorder and mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression.  Researchers from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, came to this conclusion about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after reviewing recent experimental and clinical data.

Posted on Tuesday, Mar. 7th 2017 5:40 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Oral Health and Age.

Sunday, Mar. 5th 2017 10:09 AM

As you age, you become more vulnerable to developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease. According to current studies, symptoms of these diseases can manifest themselves in the mouth, making dentists key in diagnosing the diseases. In fact, your dentist may be the first health professional to notice a problem.  In addition, it is important to visit your dentist regularly because some oral problems, for instance root decay, can only be detected in its early stages by x-ray examination.

Posted on Sunday, Mar. 5th 2017 10:09 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Dental Health Insurance Plans, Aetna, PrimeCare, CA Dental, UnitedHealth Care and Delta Dental

Friday, Mar. 3rd 2017 6:49 AM

Dental health insurance is the insurance that covers expenses related to treating dental problems and is available through various dental insurance companies such as Aetna, PrimeCare, California Dental, UnitedHealth Care, Delta Dental and others. Dental health insurance is available for individuals, small businesses, and families as well.  Dental health insurance plans are one way of ensuring individuals and families get regular dental check ups. There are several different types of dental health insurance plans, but there are four kinds that are most commonly purchased. Finally, these types of plans are much different than discount dental plans because they are indemnity plans, capitation programs or schedule-of-allowance programs.

Posted on Friday, Mar. 3rd 2017 6:49 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Stress and depression is linked to HPV-related health problems

Wednesday, Mar. 1st 2017 7:00 AM

Study at Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 Meeting links stress levels of adolescents to health complications from human papillomavirus, which can include cervical cancer.

BALTIMORE, MD – New research to be highlighted at the Pediatric Academic Societies 2016 Meeting is the first to suggest that stress and depression play a significant role in whether a woman with human papillomavirus (HPV) can get rid of her infection or not. HPV that lingers in a woman’s system eventually can lead to cervical cancer.

Posted on Wednesday, Mar. 1st 2017 7:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »