Archive for June, 2024

How to Find Out If a Subscriber Must Pay a SOC

Monday, Jun. 24th 2024 10:00 AM

When subscribers enroll in Medi-Cal, they may be required to pay a Share of Cost (SOC). Providers can determine if a subscriber needs to spend a SOC by accessing the Medi-Cal eligibility verification system. This system provides the SOC dollar amount that a subscriber must pay. Providers can access the eligibility verification system through the Automated Eligibility Verification System (AEVS), state-approved vendor software, or the Medi-Cal provider website at

Posted on Monday, Jun. 24th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on How to Find Out If a Subscriber Must Pay a SOC

Share of Cost and Medical Expense

Monday, Jun. 17th 2024 10:00 AM

Question: What is a medical expense related to Medi-Cal’s share of the cost?

Reply: A medical expense can also include the cost of transportation to and from medical appointments, lodging, and meals during medical treatment if those expenses are deemed medically necessary. It’s important to note that not all medical costs are covered by Medi-Cal, and some services may require prior authorization. 

If you need clarification on whether a particular expense is covered, it’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider or Medi-Cal representative. Additionally, keeping track of all medical expenses and receipts is essential, as they may be tax deductible.

Keeping track of medical expenses and receipts can be daunting, but it’s important for tax purposes and to ensure you’re being charged correctly by your healthcare provider. Here are some tips to help you stay organized:

1. Keep all of your medical bills and receipts in one place. You can use a folder, envelope, or digital file on your computer or smartphone.

2. Note the date of service, provider name, and reason for the visit on each receipt or bill. This will make it easier to categorize your expenses later on.

3. Consider using a healthcare expense tracking app or software. These tools can help you keep track of expenses, categorize them, and even generate reports for tax purposes.

4. If you have health insurance, make sure to keep track of any co-pays, deductibles, or out-of-pocket expenses you incur. Your insurance provider may also provide you with a summary of your expenses for the year.

5. Finally, carefully review your medical bills and receipts to ensure you’re being charged correctly. If you notice any errors or discrepancies, contact your healthcare provider or insurance company to have them corrected.

Posted on Monday, Jun. 17th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Medi-Cal, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost and Medical Expense

Two Dental Insurance Plans—Share of Cost.

Thursday, Jun. 13th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome, dental insurance seekers! Today, we’re delving into the intriguing question: Does having two dental insurance plans (dual coverage) mean double the benefits?’ The answer might not be what you expect. It’s a resounding no. But hold on, there’s a bright side. While dual coverage won’t double your benefits, it could save you significant money on dental procedures, empowering you to make the most of your insurance.

When you’re covered by two dental insurance plans, your insurers can split the cost of treatments, which could lead to lower out-of-pocket expenses. However, it’s crucial to do your research before opting for dual coverage. Understanding the plans and their compatibility is key. For example, two PPO plans can be used together, but an HMO plan won’t work in conjunction with any other dental insurance plan type. This knowledge empowers you to make an informed decision.

So, what’s the bottom line? It’s all about making an informed decision. By closely examining the cost of the plans, the benefits they offer, and any limitations they may have, you can be confident that you’re saving money on your dental care and not just shelling out extra cash on insurance. Your due diligence ensures that your dental insurance choices benefit your pearly whites and your wallet. So, before you dive into dual coverage, remember that knowledge is power, and your smile will thank you for it!

Maximizing Dental Insurance Benefits: Steps for Using Two Plans Effectively

When considering whether two dental insurance plans can be used together effectively, following specific steps to maximize your benefits is essential. Here are the key steps to take:

1. Review the details of each insurance plan, including coverage, limitations, and exclusions.

2. Contact both insurance providers to inquire about the coordination of benefits and how they work together.

3. Confirm which types of procedures and treatments are covered under both plans and how the coordination of benefits applies to each.

4. It’s essential to consult with your dental care provider. They can confirm if they accept both insurance plans and help you understand how billing will be handled when utilizing dual coverage. This step ensures that you’re making the most of your insurance and can feel confident in your decisions.

Navigating Dual Coverage and Billing Procedures with Your Dental Care Provider

It’s crucial to take a proactive approach when considering whether your dental care provider will accept both insurance plans and how billing will be handled when using dual coverage. By contacting your dental care provider, you can gain valuable insight into how they handle dual coverage and billing procedures.

Initiating a conversation with your dental care provider allows you to confirm whether they accept both insurance plans, which is essential for maximizing your benefits. Understanding their policies regarding dual coverage can give you peace of mind and confidence in utilizing your insurance to its fullest potential.

Furthermore, discussing billing procedures with your dental care provider is essential for avoiding confusion or unexpected expenses. Understanding how billing will be handled when using dual coverage ensures a smooth and transparent process, allowing you to make informed decisions about your dental care.

Remember, your dental care provider is a valuable resource in navigating the complexities of dual coverage and billing. Engaging in open communication with them empowers you to make the most of your insurance and ensures that you can approach your dental care with confidence and clarity.

Comprehensive Dental Insurance Plans Tailored to Your Needs

At, we pride ourselves on offering diverse dental insurance plans tailored to your needs. Our comprehensive range of plans ensures that you have access to coverage that perfectly aligns with your dental care requirements.

Having the right dental insurance plan is crucial for safeguarding your oral health. We understand that navigating the world of insurance can be overwhelming, so we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the information and support necessary to make an informed decision about your dental insurance needs.

Whether you’re seeking individual coverage or exploring options for your family, we have the perfect plan. We aim to empower you to take charge of your dental care by offering affordable and comprehensive insurance solutions. With our plans, you can know that your oral health is in good hands.

If you have any questions or want a free dental insurance quote, we invite you to contact our office at 310-534-3444. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is ready to provide personalized assistance, answer any inquiries you may have, and guide you through selecting the ideal dental insurance plan for you and your loved ones.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure the dental coverage you deserve. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter and healthier smile. Let us help you find the perfect dental insurance plan for your needs and budget. Your oral health is our priority, and we are here to ensure you have the coverage you need to maintain a confident and radiant smile.

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 13th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Two Dental Insurance Plans—Share of Cost.

Share of Cost Medi-Cal is typically used by beneficiaries in one of three ways: 

Monday, Jun. 10th 2024 10:00 AM

Share of cost Medi-Cal is a program that assists low-income individuals and families in California who cannot afford the high medical care costs. It is typically used by beneficiaries in one of three ways:

  • Catastrophic Coverage: Catastrophic coverage includes medical expenses for a major health event, such as an injury or accident. In such cases, beneficiaries may face high out-of-pocket costs that could drain their savings or lead to financial ruin. Share of cost Medi-Cal can help cover some of these costs and ensure that beneficiaries receive the care they need without facing financial hardship.
  • Long-Term Care Coverage: Long-term care coverage includes support for nursing home care or in-home supportive services for individuals who require long-term care. Share of cost Medi-Cal can help cover the costs of such care, which can be prohibitively expensive for many families.
  • Coverage for Costly Chronic Conditions: Coverage for expensive chronic conditions includes health care services for an illness that is costly and chronic enough to generate high monthly medical expenses. Share of cost Medi-Cal can help cover some of these costs, which can be a huge relief for families struggling to manage the financial burden of chronic illness.

 Overall, Share of Cost Medi-Cal is an important program providing critical support to California’s low-income individuals and families. It helps ensure everyone has access to the care they need, regardless of their financial situation.

Posted on Monday, Jun. 10th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Medi-Cal, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost Medi-Cal is typically used by beneficiaries in one of three ways: 

Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Thursday, Jun. 6th 2024 10:00 AM

Welcome! I’m here to provide you with valuable insights about the 250% Working Disabled Program. This program, a part of the Medi-Cal system, offers unique benefits. For instance, your disability income, including Social Security retirement benefits, is not considered when determining your eligibility. If you meet the criteria, you could receive Medi-Cal coverage for a small premium or even free.

Applying for the program is a breeze. You don’t need to submit a new application. Simply reach out to your county through various channels such as phone, online, in person, or in writing. It’s that easy!

There are two main requirements for eligibility in the Working Disabled Program:

1. Disability Requirement: You need to obtain certification that you are disabled according to the standards set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you haven’t received a disability determination yet, you can request one from your county or apply for Social Security Disability Income.

2. Flexible Work Requirement: You must work to participate in this program. There is no minimum number of hours or earnings required. You can work as little as one hour per month and engage in various types of work, such as recycling, pet care, coupon clipping, childcare, or tutoring. Providing proof of your work can be as simple as a note from the person you work for, showing how much they pay you per month. You are not required to provide formal paystubs or checks from a payroll company.

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Embracing Opportunities: The Flexible Work Requirement of the Working Disabled Program

The Working Disabled Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities to gain access to Medi-Cal coverage while working. One critical requirement of the program is the Flexible Work Requirement, which allows participants to engage in various types of work without strict limitations on hours or earnings.

The beauty of the Flexible Work Requirement is that it recognizes the diverse abilities and circumstances of individuals with disabilities. Unlike traditional employment programs, this program acknowledges that work comes in many forms and can be tailored to suit each person’s capabilities and interests.

Participants in the Working Disabled Program can engage in a wide range of work activities, including but not limited to:

1. Recycling: Participating in recycling initiatives within your community can be a meaningful and environmentally friendly way to contribute while earning income.

2. Pet Care: Providing pet sitting, dog walking, or pet grooming services can be fulfilling and flexible to generate income.

3. Coupon Clipping: Utilizing your organizational skills to help others save money through coupon clipping and sharing can be a valuable service.

4. Childcare: Offering part-time childcare services for neighbors or friends can be a rewarding way to earn income while positively impacting families in your community.

5. Tutoring: Sharing your expertise in a particular subject by providing tutoring services to students can be a flexible and intellectually stimulating way to work.

These examples illustrate the diverse opportunities available under the Flexible Work Requirement. The program recognizes that work is not limited to traditional employment and empowers individuals to find meaningful ways to contribute to their communities while earning income.

By embracing the Flexible Work Requirement, individuals with disabilities can pursue work that aligns with their abilities and interests, leading to a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and financial independence.

If you or someone you know is eligible for the Working Disabled Program and is eager to explore the possibilities under the Flexible Work Requirement, don’t hesitate to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. Embrace the chance to work on your terms and find meaningful ways to contribute while enjoying the program’s benefits.

I hope this information encourages you to consider the diverse opportunities available under the Flexible Work Requirement in the Working Disabled Program. Please ask for assistance if you have any questions or need further guidance!

Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Absolutely! Individuals with disabilities already receiving Social Security retirement benefits can still apply for the Working Disabled Program. This program offers unique benefits and opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and receiving Social Security retirement benefits should not deter anyone from exploring its potential advantages.

One key aspect of the Working Disabled Program is that it does not consider disability income, including Social Security retirement benefits, when determining eligibility. Individuals receiving Social Security retirement benefits can still be eligible for the program and its valuable benefits, including potential access to Medi-Cal coverage for a small premium or even for free.

By applying for the program, individuals receiving Social Security retirement benefits can explore the possibility of enhancing their existing benefits and accessing additional support tailored to their needs. The program’s Flexible Work Requirement allows individuals to engage in various types of work without strict limitations on hours or earnings, providing an opportunity to supplement their income while continuing to receive Social Security retirement benefits.

Furthermore, participating in the Working Disabled Program can provide individuals with disabilities the chance to find meaningful ways to contribute to their communities, pursue work that aligns with their abilities and interests, and experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s an opportunity to embrace the chance to work on their terms and explore diverse work opportunities that recognize their unique circumstances and capabilities.

In summary, individuals with disabilities already receiving Social Security retirement benefits should not hesitate to consider applying for the Working Disabled Program. The program’s inclusive approach and valuable benefits make it an opportunity worth exploring and can potentially enhance the overall support and resources available to individuals with disabilities. If you or someone you know is in this situation, please take advantage of this program and its possibilities.

Extensive Selection of Dental and Vision Plans to Reduce Your Share of Cost

At, our mission is to provide you with an extensive selection of dental and vision plans designed to help you eliminate your share of cost and reduce your overall dental and vision care expenses. Our range of plans is crafted to assist you in meeting your spend-down requirement and achieving a zero share of cost while significantly lowering your dental and vision care expenses.

We understand the importance of finding the right dental and vision insurance to meet your needs and are here to help. Whether you have questions, need a free quote, or seek comprehensive dental and vision insurance, we encourage you to contact our office at 310-534-3444. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect plan that suits your requirements and helps you save on dental and vision care.

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 6th 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Dental Insurance, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, Medicare, Share of Cost, Social Security | Comments Off on Exploring Opportunities: Working Disabled Program for Individuals Receiving Social Security Retirement Benefits

Share or Cost – Baby’s first dental appointment. 

Monday, Jun. 3rd 2024 10:00 AM

Question: My wife and I have a one-year-old daughter. Our daughter has ten teeth, top and bottom. We have family dental insurance but have yet to take her to the dentist. When should we take our daughter to see a dentist? Do we wait until all her baby teeth come in? 

Answer: The American Dental Association (ADA) advises that babies should see a dentist by their first birthday or when they cut their first tooth, whichever comes first. Early dental care is important in order to maintain dental health. Since you already have dental insurance for your daughter, why not take her in as soon as possible since she has already cut more than just a few teeth?

Posted on Monday, Jun. 3rd 2024 10:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share or Cost – Baby’s first dental appointment.