Federal News Digest

Tuesday, Oct. 26th 2010 6:31 AM

Washington Post

Pentagon push to phase out top brass causing much consternation – Craig Whitlock reports on Secretary Gates’ effort to reduce number of generals, admirals, he complains of  “brass creep,” sends message that Defense Dept. is serious about cutting costs

Oil spill shows difficulty the Coast Guard faces as it balances traditional tasks with post-9/11 missions – Joe Stephens and Mary Pat Flaherty report on the Coast Guard stretched too thin to keep up with oil drilling oversight because of added responsibilities as part of Homeland Security Dept.

BP agrees to $50.6 million fine for safety violations in Texas explosion – Sam Hananel reports that Occupational Safety and Health Administration imposed largest fine in its history on BP for violations related to 2005 explosion that killed 15, BP also agrees to invest $500 million to upgrade safety conditions

John Pistole discusses new role as Transportation Security Administration Chief – Joe Davidson reports on agency’s new chief after first weeks on the job who says he will improve counterterrorism efforts with better intelligence and cutting-edge technology

Regulator for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac targets some developer fees – Reuters reports that the Federal Housing Finance Agency plans to limit fees to developers on resale of homes

New York Times

Rare sharing of data leads to progress on Alzheimer’s – Gina Kolata reports on new, collaborative effort between National institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administrations, private industry and nonprofits to reach breakthrough in study of disease, could set trend

Inquiry on Harvard lab threatens ripple effect – Nicholas Wade reports that the federal Office of Research Integrity, which investigates academic misconduct, would not admit or deny it is pursuing case against high profile Harvard professor after college’s own inquiry questioning his work

Wall Street Journal

Bair guards FDIC imprimatur – Erik Holm reports that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is reviewing life insurance disclosures to consumers for misinformation on “retained-asset accounts” backed by FDIC

Posted on Tuesday, Oct. 26th 2010 6:31 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »