Millions of Americans with a Pre-existing Condition Could Be Denied Coverage without Affordable Care Act Protections

Wednesday, Feb. 2nd 2011 6:16 AM

Millions of Americans with a Pre-existing Condition Could Be Denied Coverage without Affordable Care Act Protections: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released a new report showing that, without the Affordable Care Act (ACA), up to 129 million non-elderly Americans who have some type of pre-existing health condition, like heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis or cancer, could of lose health insurance or be denied coverage altogether. The Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan program serves as a bridge until 2014, when insurance companies can no longer deny or limit coverage or charge higher premiums because of a pre-existing condition. Check out “Voices of Health Reform: Cathy’s Story” on the White House Blog.

Posted on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd 2011 6:16 AM | by Share of Cost | in Medi-Cal | No Comments »