New York Share of Cost, Zegerid OTC Provides Greater And Faster Acid Control Than Prevacid 24HR According To Head-To-Head Clinical Study

Thursday, Nov. 25th 2010 6:47 AM

New York Share of Cost, Zegerid OTC Provides Greater And Faster Acid Control Than Prevacid 24HR According To Head-To-Head Clinical Study: Merck Consumer Care has announced results of a head-to-head clinical study showing that ZEGERID OTC™ offers greater and faster acid control than Prevacid® 24HR. While acid control is an industry standard measure for acid-reducing drugs, greater and faster acid control does not imply greater and faster heartburn symptom relief.

Posted on Thursday, Nov. 25th 2010 6:47 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »