Share of Cost, Turning to Super Glue to Fix Teeth.
With the economy going down health experts worry that people are cutting back on their dental work because they do not have the money. One such example would be a woman in Colorado that uses super glue to keep her teeth from falling out. Stating she can not afford dental care and even though she has dental insurance the max limitation is only a $1000 which does not help her on a $8000 plus dental bill. But, because she has dental insurance she is not eligible for dental assistance.
There is no question that the economy can be bad for many people. That is why preventive dental care is even more important. So is buying the right dental insurance plan to fit your needs. If you need extensive dental care buying or having a plan that as a low maximum limitation may not make the best sense. Talk to a dentist then talk to a dental insurance agent if you need help finding the right dental insurance plan for you and or your family.