Archive for July, 2017

Share of Cost, Risk of hospital admissions could be reduced with better general practice strategies

Monday, Jul. 31st 2017 6:00 AM

Hospital admission rates are 55 per cent higher in some areas than in others because of a greater prevalence of conditions such as diabetes, alcoholism, dementia and socioeconomic deprivation. According to research published, those admission rates could be reduced if GPs were better supported to provide more specialist care for chronic conditions and difficult-to-reach groups.

Overall, researchers found that admission rates in some practices were 55 per cent higher than others. Chronic conditions such as diabetes, schizophrenia and hypertension tended to be much more variable than acute conditions such as strokes and hip fractures, as were those that disproportionately affect deprived communities, such as alcoholism.

Posted on Monday, Jul. 31st 2017 6:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Kids Dental Insurance Plans

Saturday, Jul. 29th 2017 8:01 AM

Question: I have two girls and we live in California. Both my daughters have very good teeth, and I want to make sure they maintain their dental care. I changed jobs for better pay but lost the dental benefits I use to have with the prior job. Now I am looking for a good dental insurance plan that is still low in cost since I do not think we will ever need more then just your basic dental care.

Answer: We have quite a few Dental insurance plan options in CA ranging from Dental Discount plans to HMO Insurance plans and PPO’s to Indemnity insurance plans. However if you are wanting a lower cot dental care for just preventive and basice dental care needs I would suggest reviewing our HMO plans though California Dental or PrimeCare both plans are lower cost plans with no waiting periods. If you have any questions about our dental plan options please call our member services at 310-534-3444 as we be happy to help

Posted on Saturday, Jul. 29th 2017 8:01 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Fragranced products: Risks for people and profits?

Thursday, Jul. 27th 2017 6:00 AM

Over one-third of Americans report health problems, from asthma attacks to migraine headaches, when exposed to common fragranced consumer products such as air fresheners, cleaning supplies, laundry products, scented candles, cologne, and personal care products. The same study also found that fragranced products may affect profits, with more than 20% of respondents entering a business, but leaving as quickly as possible if they smell air fresheners or some fragranced product.

Posted on Thursday, Jul. 27th 2017 6:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, CHA Provides Testimony on Long Term Care Insurance Rate Increases

Tuesday, Jul. 25th 2017 5:48 AM

October 25, 2016

Commissioner Alfred W. Redmer Jr.
State of Maryland Insurance Administration
Attention: Adam Zimmerman, Actuarial Analyst
200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700,
Baltimore, MD 21202

RE: Long Term Care Insurance Rate Increase Hearing October 27, 2016

Dear Commissioner Redmer:

I am submitting these comments for the hearing record regarding the premium increase hearing on October 27th in the event I am unable to comment by phone about the requested rate increases on that date. As you know, I have been a long time participant in the National Association of Insurance Commissioner’s (NAIC) consumer participation program, and I frequently testify and comment on behalf of consumers during the proceedings of the NAIC Senior Issue Task Force (SITF) and other NAIC Committees and subgroups.

Rate increases in long term care insurance have been an ongoing topic of concern for the NAIC members, and specifically for the SITF, as members have struggled for decades to regulate the pricing of long term care insurance and prevent large, unexpected rate increases. Since the 1990’s and at least 3 regulatory attempts by the NAIC to limit these increases, this now seems to be a failed regulatory task.

The large ongoing rate increases being requested in Maryland and other states and the continuing inability of state regulators to protect their consumers, regardless of the regulatory controls that states establish, are obvious. Regardless of how pricing is regulated, companies continue to demand these rate increases leaving behind anguished policyholders struggling to pay those increased premiums. The pain inflicted on Maryland policyholders is evident in the testimony already submitted for this hearing by the very people who will be paying those increased costs. Policyholders who have spoken out in their testimony represent hundreds, maybe thousands more policyholders unaware of the hearing, unable to participate, or simply assuming that their protest is useless.

These policyholders have a series of untenable choices. Faced with paying steadily increasing premiums late in life robs people of resources for other needs, and pushes some people into dropping coverage, some of whom may later require help from the state’s Medicaid program.

Some may have previously downgraded their benefits to reduce a rate increase, and now have little room for further downgrades, making retention of their policy impossible.

I am not certain which NAIC consumer protections Maryland has adopted, or the extent of your regulatory authority, but here are some suggestions for mitigating the effect of these ongoing rate increases on consumers.

  • No amount of a rate increase should be applied to any of the company’s administrative costs
  • No amount of a rate increase should be applied to any agent compensation
  • Any rate increase of 20% or more during the lifetime of the policy form should require offsetting reductions in company expenses
  • Any cumulative rate increase of 50% during the lifetime of the policy form should require the company to pool all of their existing long term care policy forms issued, bought, or assumed by the company to calculate the amount of a rate increase
  • Any cumulative rate increase greater that 50% during the life of the policy form should not be granted, except when company solvency is in question

A rate increase notice should allow 90 days of consideration by the policyholder and a referral in writing for face-to-face counseling with the Maryland State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to ensure that policyholders have all the information they need to make an informed decision about their benefits, options, and any benefit reductions.

  • Policyholders who have previously downgraded their daily benefit amount to an amount less than 70% of the current cost of nursing home care, and reduced their duration of coverage to 2 years should be exempt from any further rate increases
  • Policyholders age 70 or older who’ve had their policy for at least 10 years should be exempt from any rate increases
  • Policyholders age 80 or older should be exempt from any rate increases, regardless of the duration of their coverage
  • Policyholders who have had their policies for 10 or more years should have the option of choosing a paid-up benefits equal to the premiums they’ve previously paid
    • The amount of benefits subsequently paid under their paid-up policy should qualify as protected assets under the state Medicaid program
  • Any policyholder who reduces or drops their inflation protection should be entitled to retain the current amount of their inflated daily benefit amount and lifetime benefit amount
    • The amount of benefits subsequently paid under their paid-up policy should qualify as protected assets under the state Medicaid program

I am well aware that some of my suggestions are extreme, and some would require a change in state law or regulations. But after three decades of helping policyholders hang on to coverage through numerous rate increases I believe companies should bear the burden of decisions they’ve made about the products they’ve sold, not policyholders.

The burden of mistaken assumptions and experience should not be borne by consumers who placed their trust in the industry by buying this coverage. Consumers have no expertise to verify assumptions made by actuaries that result in the premium they’ve agreed to pay. Policyholders don’t participate in the profitability of an insurance product, except to the extent that they rely on the benefits they’ve been sold. And policyholders certainly wouldn’t participate in any excess profit a company made based on their previous assumptions.

Policyholders have done what the federal and state governments asked, and the industry has promoted, by taking responsibility to pay for their own care. They should not now be faced with losing both the premiums they’ve invested in that promise and the benefits they bought.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject of your hearing. I hope you’re able to mitigate some of the effects of these rate increases on the policyholders in your state.



Bonnie Burns, Consultant


Posted on Tuesday, Jul. 25th 2017 5:48 AM | by Share of Cost | in Social Security | No Comments »

Share of Cost, Common Causes of Scalp Tenderness and Sensitivity

Sunday, Jul. 23rd 2017 6:00 AM

Scalp tenderness is linked with many forms of headaches. In particular, scalp tenderness is linked with headaches involving the nerves that run from the back of the neck to the forehead.

Conditions that cause these nerves to swell or restrict can result in pain that moves throughout the head, neck, and scalp. According to Johns Hopkins University, this pain can appear as hot, intense, electric-like shocks.

The scalp becomes so sensitive for some people that even a light touch can be painful. In others, the scalp goes numb. This form of nerve pain is rare and usually caused by injury or a spontaneously pinched nerve. Headaches involving these nerves are far more common, however.

Posted on Sunday, Jul. 23rd 2017 6:00 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Don’t Miss Out on Work Due to Dental Care Issues

Friday, Jul. 21st 2017 6:09 AM

According to The U.S. Surgeon General’s report on Oral Health in America. Employed adults lose more than 164 million hours of work each year due to dental disease or dental visits. Avoiding having to miss out on work due to dental care issues by having good dental habits at home and by seeing your dentist regularly. In addition if you do not currently have dental insurance for yourself and or family now is the time to really think about buying some. Dental insurance will help keep your dental care cost more affordable and studies show people with dental insurance are more likely make and keep their dental appointments.

Posted on Friday, Jul. 21st 2017 6:09 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 8

Wednesday, Jul. 19th 2017 6:08 AM


Humidifier adds moisture in the air which can thin the mucus in the nose. This makes draining easier. A cool mist may also reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes inside the nose.

It is important to keep a humidifier clean to prevent bacteria growing. People should always follow the manufacturer’s cleaning recommendations.

Posted on Wednesday, Jul. 19th 2017 6:08 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 7

Monday, Jul. 17th 2017 7:01 AM


A decongestants may also be an option to decrease nasal congestion. Decongestants work by causing the small blood vessels in the nose to narrow. The narrowing decreases swelling of the lining of the nose and reduces stuffiness.  However, anyone with high blood pressure should ask their doctor first if it is safe to take decongestants.

Side effects can include increased heart rate, headache, and dry mouth. Nasal spray decongestants may also cause sneezing and burning inside the nose.

Posted on Monday, Jul. 17th 2017 7:01 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Looking for Dental Insurance

Saturday, Jul. 15th 2017 7:37 AM

Question: I need to get dental insurance for my self and my 10 year old son. My question is when getting a dental insurance quote would I be looking at the family rates ? Since it is for my son and I. Or would I be able to get the couple prices since there is only the two of us. Not sure if couple mean that you need to be husband and wife.

Answer: Generally speaking dental insurance and dental plans would yet you choose the couple pricing for you and your son. Couple being two people. Husband and wife but also an adult with a dependent child. However, you should make sure by reading the plans summary, exclusions and limitations or by calling the customer service line and checking to make sure that the dental plan you are reviewing does what you want it to do.

Posted on Saturday, Jul. 15th 2017 7:37 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 6

Thursday, Jul. 13th 2017 6:35 AM

Allergy Medicine

In some cases, a stuffy nose is due to an allergic reaction. Allergy medications may contain an antihistamine that blocks that reaction. Users should be sure to fully read the directions on the package and be aware of side effects. Some allergy medications can cause drowsiness, so driving should be avoided.

Posted on Thursday, Jul. 13th 2017 6:35 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 5

Tuesday, Jul. 11th 2017 6:27 AM

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus has been used for hundreds of years for its healing properties. Inhaling the oil can decrease inflammation of the nasal lining and make breathing easier. People can place a few drops of the oil in a pot of boiling water and inhale the steam.

Posted on Tuesday, Jul. 11th 2017 6:27 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Toothache Pain No Dental Insurance

Sunday, Jul. 9th 2017 6:08 AM

Question: I have a really bad toothache pain in one of my back molars. I have been babying it for some time but I can not take the pain any more. I do not have and current dental insurance and I looking for a plan that will starts like right away, so that I can see the dentist about this terrible pain.

Answer: At this time for your current toothache pain you may want to look at a dental discount plan since those types of dental plans normally will start within the next business day. At least that way you will be able to see a plan dentist ASAP and get the discounted saving on having your tooth fixed. Depending on the enrollment date of an HMO plan if you can put off your dental care until the first of the following month you may want to look into a HMO dental insurance plan. HMO’s normally do not have waiting periods or dollar maximum limits. You should be able to find an HMO that does offers free office visits, X-rays, and cleaning’s, that alone is going to really save you money.

Posted on Sunday, Jul. 9th 2017 6:08 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 4

Friday, Jul. 7th 2017 6:02 AM

Flushing Out Your Sinuses

There are different devices on the market, such as a neti pot, which can be used to flush the sinuses. Neti pots have been used for hundreds of years to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

People can also use a saline solution to flush the mucus out of each nostril. Distilled or previously boiled water that has cooled should be used to avoid bacteria from tap water entering the nose.

Posted on Friday, Jul. 7th 2017 6:02 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 3

Wednesday, Jul. 5th 2017 6:59 AM

Applying a Warm Compress

By applying a warm compress it helps to decrease sinus congestion and that stuffy feeling in the nose and face.  Just wet a washcloth with very warm water and apply it to the face. Just make sure the water is not so hot that it burns the skin.

Posted on Wednesday, Jul. 5th 2017 6:59 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Dental Insurance and Claims

Monday, Jul. 3rd 2017 5:30 AM

Question: I have a really good dental insurance plan though work. However when I go to the dentist they bill me almost as much as my dental insurance company is paying. I never get any of my money back either. Some people tell me that the dental office I am going to seems to be dishonest were other people say this is very typical and that dental work is very expensive. How would I know if the dental office is ripping me off or not. Should I just go to a different dental office?

Answer: It is hard to say without knowing the total cost of the services render and how your dentist is filing the claims. First I would suggest find out what your total cost are for you dental care services. How can you know what your true cost is, if you do not know the total billing amount. If you still believe the dentist is not correctly charging you, then call your insurance company to verify the facts. See what your insurance company as paid out. Sometimes they pay less then what your are thinking they did. If it shows that your dentist is over charging address the issue with the dental office first. Mistakes do happen and you want to at least clear up the matter with little hassle as possible.

Posted on Monday, Jul. 3rd 2017 5:30 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

Share of Cost, How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Tip 2

Saturday, Jul. 1st 2017 12:19 PM

Try a Saline Spray

A saline spray may help you to decrease tissue inflammation in the nose and reduce stuffiness.  In addition saline-only sprays do not contain medication, so they are usually safe to use during pregnancy. Saline sprays are available over the counter at most local drug stores

Posted on Saturday, Jul. 1st 2017 12:19 PM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »