What property/assets are allowable for Medi-Cal?

Wednesday, Oct. 28th 2020 5:51 AM

The Medi-Cal program determines eligibility for benefits on a “means” tested basis. If a Medi-Cal applicant’s property/assets are over the Medi-Cal property limit, the applicant will not be eligible for Medi-Cal unless they lower their property/assets according to the program rules. The Medi-Cal
eligibility worker looks at how much an applicant and their family has each month. If their property/assets are below the limit at any time during that month, the applicant will get Medi-Cal, if otherwise eligible. If a person has more than the limit for a whole month, Medi-Cal benefits will be

A person’s home, furnishings, personal items, and one motor vehicle are not counted. A single person is allowed to keep $2,000 in property/assets, more if they are married and/or have a family. (If a person has a Partnership policy, however, each dollar the Partnership policy pays out in benefits entitles the insured to keep a dollar of his/her assets should he/she ever need to apply for Medi-Cal Services.)

For example, if a person receives an inheritance that puts their property/asset amount to more than $2,000, they would be required to spend that amount down to $2,000 before Medi-Cal would pay for any further care.

Posted on Wednesday, Oct. 28th 2020 5:51 AM | by Share of Cost | in Medi-Cal, Share of Cost | No Comments »

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