Share of Cost – Community Spousal Resource

Monday, Dec. 21st 2020 4:58 PM

Question: What are the community spousal resource limits for 2002 when qualifying for the Medi-Cal nursing home benefit?

The 2002 community spouse resource allowances are $89,280 in assets and $2,232 in monthly income. For a married couple with one spouse in a nursing home and the other spouse at home, the spouse at home may keep up to $89,280 in resources (property and other assets) while the spouse in a nursing home may keep $2,000. The spouse at home may keep all of the income received in his or her name, regardless of the amount. If the amount is below $2,232 per month, the spouse in the nursing home may allocate income to bring the at-home spouse’s income up to the $2,232 per month limit. The spouse in the nursing home is permitted to keep $35 a month for personal needs. (For 2001, the amounts were $87,000 in assets and $2,175 in income).

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