Share of Cost, An Innovative, Community-based Approach to Help Elders Age-in-Place

Monday, Jan. 27th 2014 9:33 AM

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement offered a free webinar looking at an innovative approach to keep elders in the community, prevent isolation and unnecessary hospitalizations and make the community a safe, fun and compassionate environment to age-in-place. The webinar highlights a network of 6 organizations in Ontario, Canada that have created a web of resources called Home for Life. It’s a volunteer-driven program focused on services for its over 65 population with the goal of creating one of the healthiest communities in Canada.

It uses a 211 system to initiate and engage services, and a “back to the village” vision that includes employing a buddy system and training elders on computers and new technologies. Sharon King, one of Home for Life’s creators, believes Home for Life should be studied, measured, and monitored for its effectiveness. She’s hopeful they’re on to something in Canada that can be adapted elsewhere.

Check out the webinar and maybe their program will provide a model of success for Americans as we create healthy, community-centered solutions for caring for our aging population and enabling elders to stay in their communities and age-in-place.

Posted on Monday, Jan. 27th 2014 9:33 AM | by Share of Cost | in Social Security | Comments Off on Share of Cost, An Innovative, Community-based Approach to Help Elders Age-in-Place