CNBC Presents “Health Care Hustle” Tonight 4/9 at 9p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 27th 2012 4:12 PM

If you’re available at 9p.m. tonight, CNBC is airing their 1-hour documentary on health care fraud.  Senior correspondent Scott Cohn and others on CNBC’s investigation crew joined a fraud strike team over a period of 6 months to get a firsthand experience of the fraud problem, and the new multi-agency, collaborative efforts and tactics being used the past 2 years since health care reform to find, prosecute and prevent criminals from milking the Medicare and Medicaid system.

Fraud is one of the most expensive aspects of our health care system, costing American taxpayers and the Medicare system an estimated $80 billion per year — yet many say the real number could be as much as $160 billion. This is money going into the hands of fraudsters instead of into people’s care.

View a press release on tonight’s documentary.

See our Medicare fraud section for more information and resources on health care fraud, and for information on how to become a volunteer with our Senior Medicare Patrol project.

Posted on Tuesday, Nov. 27th 2012 4:12 PM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

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