DOI Provides Updated List of Companies Selling Medigap Policies in CA

Thursday, Sep. 5th 2013 10:37 AM

California’s Department of Insurance recently updated their charts of companies selling Medigap policies in California. This is a good resource for any beneficiary choosing to supplement his/her Medicare insurance with a Medigap policy.  In brief, Medigap policies are a form of private supplemental insurance that pay for part or all of Medicare’s coinsurance and deductibles. Certain policies also cover health care costs that Medicare doesn’t cover, such as emergency medical care in foreign countries, and excess charges from a provider who does not accept Medicare assignment (accepting Medicare’s payment as payment in full). Unlike certain Medicare Advantage plans, Medigap policies do not restrict beneficiaries to a network of providers and facilities. Those who have a Medigap policy, can see any doctor or use any hospital that accepts Medicare.

The California Department of Insurance has two charts posted on their website. One is for companies selling policies to people with Medicare who are younger than 65 and one is for companies selling policies to beneficiaries 65 and older. Both charts also include comments on any restrictions imposed by the companies in selling their policies.

See our Medigap section for more information on this form of supplemental insurance. Also learn about your rights as to when an insurance company is required to sell you a Medigap policy regardless of health condition or age.

Posted on Thursday, Sep. 5th 2013 10:37 AM | by Share of Cost | in Social Security | No Comments »

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