Share of Cost, Dental Implant Offers an Improvement Over Dentures.

Friday, Apr. 1st 2016 9:37 AM

Due to baby boomer aging the number of older adults are increasing. Therefore more people are facing tooth loss more commonly among the elderly. One Survey taken estimates that 37 millions Americans will need dentures by 2020.

In an article taken from the Journal of Oral Implantology reports on an alternative treatment to dentures. The “All-on-Four” therapy uses four implants to support a fixed prosthesis, and the patient’s new teeth can be put in place the day of surgery.   The All-on-Four treatment maximizes the use of available bone and allows immediate functionality. Four implants are placed two near the front and two near the back of the dental area. These support a fixed, full-arch prosthesis that is put in place the same day as the surgery. The success of this therapy is judged not only by its comfort and usability for the patient, but also by its longevity.

Posted on Friday, Apr. 1st 2016 9:37 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | No Comments »

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