Share of Cost, Encourage your child to brush regularly.

Sunday, Apr. 17th 2016 10:11 AM

Good dental and oral health care is first taught from home.  Having healthy teeth and gums are important not to have a great smile but to have long term retention of teeth. Young children may not have a good understanding of the importance of oral health care that is why it is so important to make brushing their teeth fun and not a chore. Try getting your children excited about brushing their teeth and help them to make it a lifetime habit.

A few simple ways to make bushing fun would be buying toothpastes they like.  Let your child pick their own toothbrush.  They are more likely to use one they picked on their own. Brush your teeth with them.  Showing that you enjoy taking care of your oral health will make them want to copy you.  As your child gets older do not forget to teach them how to correctly floss. Until then floss your child teeth at least once a day.

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