Seniors, What Oral Pain is Telling You –

Monday, Jul. 11th 2022 6:41 AM

According to national data 7 percent of adults 65 years and older reported having tooth pain at least twice during the past six months.  Oral pain is not something to defer. Oral pain is a sign of an advanced problem in either your tooth or gum tissues.

Oral pain and health problems, whether from missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures, cavities, gum disease, or infection, can cause difficulty eating and can force people to adjust the quality, consistency, and balance of their diet.  Therefore professional dental help is needed to effectively manage and treat any oral pain and dental problems. Make sure to see a dentist at the first sign of any oral or dental pain you may have.

Posted on Monday, Jul. 11th 2022 6:41 AM | by Share of Cost | in Share of Cost | Comments Off on Seniors, What Oral Pain is Telling You –