Share of Cost – Partnership Policy Covers

Sunday, Dec. 6th 2020 4:48 PM

Question: If a Partnership policy covers a patient’s stay in a private room in a nursing home until policy benefits are exhausted, and the patient transitions into Medi-Cal, with a Share of Cost (SOC), do they have to spend the SOC for services specifically pertinent to the nursing home?

Reply: No, the patient can spend their SOC on a variety of medical services. This SOC obligation does not necessarily need to be paid to the nursing home. For example, if the nursing home patient needs four occupational therapy treatments per week, but Medi-Cal only allows two per week, the additional occupational therapy treatments could be paid through the SOC. In this example, even though Medi-Cal covers occupational therapy, any additional services a person wants above and beyond what Medi-Cal would have covered could be paid as the SOC. Therefore, the SOC services paid by the patient must not be Medi-Cal covered services in order for their costs to count toward the Medi-Cal SOC. In addition, services that would usually be covered by Medi-Cal, such as the use of a health aide, can be paid as the SOC if the service provider is not a Medi-Cal provider.

Posted on Sunday, Dec. 6th 2020 4:48 PM | by Share of Cost | in Medi-Cal, Share of Cost | Comments Off on Share of Cost – Partnership Policy Covers